Laura Ingraham Suggests Marijuana And Violence Connection In Fox News Segment On Uvalde Shooter, Causing Reefer Madness To Trend On Twitter

A segment on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show about marijuana use that linked it to gun violence and the Uvalde, Texas shooter has led to a bevy of Reefer Madness-related memes, promoting the classic film and its message.
The 1930s called; they want their reefer madness propaganda back
— Huckleberry 🍸 (@HBMartini) June 1, 2022
The 1930s film, which is a stoner cult classic, was originally made to scare youths away from marijuana use and depicts the death, mayhem and destruction that purportedly springs from experimentation with the substance.
Reefer Madness 2022.
— Meidas Rick 🏳️🌈🇺🇦 (@RandallUhrig) June 1, 2022
This is what real “reefer madness” looks like.#reefermadness #foxnewsbreedsterrorism #cannabis
— The Other One (Craig) (@Seasatz60) June 1, 2022
Public opinion in the United States and in many places around the world has increasingly trended in favor of marijuana acceptance, however, with many states and countries legalizing or decriminalizing the drug for recreational use.
For Laura Ingraham's next show topic.
What is causing the unicorns out there to go psycho and kill people??? 😆😅🤣😂— UnitedWeStand (@UnitedW22607736) June 1, 2022
If there was ever a human person who could use a goddamn blunt it’s Laura Ingraham.
— August West 🌿💨 (@GenDisdain) June 1, 2022
Ingraham, and many conservatives in general, were criticized for what some saw as an attempt to redirect responsibility for the shooting from gun laws to drug laws.
Now they are trying to blame weed? It's not reefer madness, it’s rifle madness.
— God (@thegoodgodabove) June 1, 2022
Republicans love to blame everything but guns for mass shootings.
Laura Ingraham is trying to bring back “reefer madness.”
🤦🏻♂️— Gabe Sanchez (@iamgabesanchez) June 1, 2022
Some posters online humorously suggested that the type of violence marijuana incites is usually directed towards snack foods rather than people.
Laura Ingraham says pot can cause violence. Reefer Madness, doncha know. She may be on to something there. I mean, one time when I was high I murdered… a bag of chips.
— Oh So Scary Larry 😱 (@scaryscarylarry) June 1, 2022
Reefer Madness obviously doesn’t cause mass shootings.
Not one person has ever been reported shot at a Willie Nelson concert.— Robby (@robowski5951) June 1, 2022
Much of the response to the Ingraham post appeared to be from left-leaning and older Twitter users, who replied to her with considerable venom.
I hate these fuckers.
“It’s not civilian access to military weapons; it’s ReEfEr MaDnEsS.”
Lick a rat, Laura, you fear mongering ghoul.— Jay Gamble (@DrJayDrNo) June 1, 2022
Laura Ingraham says some 'Reefer Madness' BS like 'Weed is the reason for mass shootings' 🌿🤪🍕🛋️💤😂
This is the stupidest crap I've ever heard. This isn't just snaked TF out, I'm smoking it TF out and loading a bong rip after watching this sh*t!— Random Snake Facts (@random_snakes) June 1, 2022
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