'Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl' Edits Out Line Reminiscent Of ZONE-sama Rule 34 'Teenage Robot' Parody

Published May 17, 2022

Published May 17, 2022

When last we checked on Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, it was struggling to live up to its billing as a potential Smash-killer while a small but dedicated player base worked to keep the game alive. The base game certainly had problems at launch, and it seems its DLC is continuing that tradition, as developers were recently forced to scramble to remove a reference to Rule 34 pornography of the newly announced fighter, Jenny Wakeman.

Wakeman is the protagonist of the cartoon series My Life as a Teenage Robot — long a, shall we say, fan favorite of the internet. In NASB, one of Jenny's pre-fight dialogue banter options was "You wouldn't like my brain, it's all circuity and metallic!" This is a line from the television show from a scene where Jenny is in danger of getting her brain eaten by some goons.

Unfortunately and unbeknownst to the developers, this scene is also the inspiration for an extremely well-known porn parody of Teenage Robot, which simply changes "brain" to "body" in Jenny's dialogue. Here's what the (SFW-ish) version of that scene looks like.

Astute observers will catch that, yes, the animation in question comes from none other than ZONE-sama, a long-time childhood innocence ruiner of children's media with Rule 34 animations and the creator of the now-infamous Ankha Zone last year.

In a deleted tweet, developer Thaddeus Crews, assuredly now acquainted with the works of ZONE, wrote, "Boy was I flabbergasted. While it's a line from the show, it has unfortunate implications by proxy, as such, we'll be removing it."

The fiasco proves why content creators should know their meme, or, at the very least, hire a Rule 34 consultant.

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