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Official Ukraine Twitter Account Announcing NFT Airdrop For Donations Riles Up Crypto Community

Official Ukraine Twitter Account Announcing NFT Airdrop For Donations Riles Up Crypto Community
Official Ukraine Twitter Account Announcing NFT Airdrop For Donations Riles Up Crypto Community

Published March 02, 2022

Published March 02, 2022

After days of accepting various cryptocurrencies to a crypto wallet in hopes of supporting Ukraine through alternative means during the ongoing conflict with Russia, it was announced late last night via the official Ukrainian Twitter account that donators will receive an airdropped reward, perhaps an NFT of some sort, for their contributions.

On Saturday, the Ukraine Twitter account posted that the country was accepting donations in the form of cryptocurrency, notably Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT. The post came with the addresses belonging to digital wallets that the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine had control of, promising that the funds would go towards the war effort against Russia.

At the time, there was a lot of speculation about the wallets and the impact that crypto now had in international wars and funding them. Most notable among the takes at the time were how Ethereum, which is co-founded by Vitalik Buterin, a Russian, would take this development. Vitalik's official stance was that while Ethereum is a neutral platform, he is not, and he stands with Ukraine.

With no official word on an NFT specifically happening via airdrop, it was finally confirmed late last night that the following day a snapshot would be taken, with a reward then sent out to those who donated. An "airdrop" is a common thing in the crypto world, and in this context, it means that the record of everyone who donated to one of the Ukrainian wallets would be counted, then some sort of NFT would be sent for free to the wallet addresses of those who sent something in.

This announcement ruffled the feathers of some crypto enthusiasts online for various reasons. Chief among them is that those who donated using the USDT coin (TRC20) for their donations would be passed up for the proposed reward. Another concern by people was how many gas fees would be paid by the Ukrainian Government as part of the massive airdrop to tens of thousands of people, and that the money would be best spent on the war effort instead.

The tactic of offering a reward seems to have worked wonders already, as the EtherScan page for Ukraine shows that in the days before the announcement, Ukraine had received approximately 7,000 transactions of people sending in money, and within 12 hours that number has already grown by 30,000.

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