The Dunkeypocalypse Is Back After YouTuber Makes 'Sonic Frontiers' Look Bad, Enraging Fans

Published November 15, 2022

Published November 15, 2022

To read video game criticism discourse right now, you would think YouTuber VideoGameDunkey is the most powerful voice in all of gaming.

Two months after angering the Xenoblade Chronicles fandom with a video portraying Xenoblade Chronicles 3 in a negative light, Dunkey has seemingly picked a fight with a more formidable army — the Sonic fandom.

On Sunday, Dunkey posted a video about Sonic Frontiers,, Sega's ambitious attempt to make an open-world Sonic game. In typical Dunkey fashion, he juxtaposes quotes from trailers hyping up the game's "open-zone gameplay" and improved combat mechanics with clips of the game restricting his movement and janky combat mechanics. He ends with a joke showing Sonic Frontiers' 8.8 user score on Metacritic beating out the scores of some beloved games like Elden Ring and Super Mario Odyssey.

This was the apparent equivalent of a declaration of war for many Sonic fans, who accused Dunkey of manipulating footage to make the game look bad, intentionally breaking it and indirectly asking his fans to review bomb Sonic Frontiers.

It seems the biggest issue for Sonic defenders was the Metacritic score segment Dunkey tacked on to the end of his video. Some fans jumped to the conclusion that the segment amounted to Dunkey asking his fans to review bomb the game, and indeed, there were many new 0/10 user scores added to Metacritic in the following days, causing the score to drop .4 entire points from 8.8 to 8.4.

Some of these "0s" came from people claiming to be Dunkey fans with account names like DunkeyLover2005, writing "reviews" claiming they thought they liked the game until Dunkey pulled the blindfold from their eyes and showed them the light (to paraphrase). Some Sonic fans saw this at face value and directed their anger at Dunkey, while Dunkey thought it was Sonic fans trolling Dunkey's fans.

Turns out, at least "DunkeyLover2005" was neither a Dunkey nor Sonic fan but a 4chan troll who simply wanted to add chaos to the mix.

Metacritic has since removed reviews mentioning Dunkey, but the user score still sits at 8.4. Dunkey stated he had no intention of sending people to review bomb the game, but felt shocked to see the Sonic Frontiers user score so high when he didn't enjoy the game.

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