Turns Out That Viral 'Old' Lola Bunny Comparison Comes From Rule 34 Art

Published March 08, 2021

Published March 08, 2021

So, if you've been keeping up with the Lola Bunny redesign apocalypse, it being the most important thing that's ever happened online, you may know that in the upcoming Space Jam: A New Legacy, Lola Bunny has significantly smaller breasts than she had in the past, and you likely know that because of this graphic supposedly comparing the Lola from the first Space Jam and the new one:

lola bunny art and official design

This graphic, tweeted by @drakecereal, started the whole Lola Bunny conversation, as it seemed that Warner Bros. had drastically reduced her bust size, ostensibly in an effort to de-sexualize the character for modern young audiences. Only, the art on the left is not the official art for the character from 1996's Space Jam. Instead, it a piece of Rule 34 fan art.

The discovery was made by Ryan Broderick who in his "Garbage Day" newsletter posted last Friday revealed that a reverse image search of the 'old' Lola Bunny image will reveal it was posted to multiple 4chan boards and sites with unprintable names. A watermark on the image links it to a creator named "Spiritto."

So, what does this mean? It seems the busty Lola Bunny everyone is mourning is one that only existed in the collective horny imagination, and that we as a society are having a Mandela Effect moment centered around a cartoon rabbit's anthropomorphic boobs.

Here is an actual screenshot from the 1996 film Space Jam featuring Lola Bunny:

lola bunny and daffy duck space jam

So rest easy, Lola fanatics. The bunny you are mourning never existed.

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