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Origin Entry: PC Bro

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I remember something from Folding Ideas when discussing toxic masculinity in Fight Club (and yes- this is a KYM/gamergate trigger warning- but just listen to the end- this is about larger core systems, so it applies equally to the 'Tumblrina')

I'll spar you the half remembered discussion and just apply the logic to tumblr- there is a system where some people are excluded because they are part of group X (which can be about race, gender, sexuality, body, etc.). People that are priviledged in the system reinforce that priviledge by actively excluding group X.

Many Tumblr users, recognizing this is a problem, but incorrectly label it as 'hate against group X' as the source, rather than deeper, faulty root social dynamics. So intead of fixing the problem, they change the labels and declare themselves superior for fixing it. Now, the excluded group is made up of "people that do not accept group X", and the priviledged group is made of "people that exclude people that do not accept group X".

And understanding this, you can begin to understand…well, a lot of human history. It particularly applies when you look at communism.


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