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Tumblr - So much has happened and I remember mostly none of it

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Freakenstein Moderator

2015 was kinda quick, but not as fast as 2014. I bet 2015 was fast as fuck for the old people. The youngins would think " ah come on, is Christmas here yet? It's taking forever!"

Here's something to think about though. Is this year going by quickly because there's a shit ton of mediocre stuff happening all the time, or is it because there's actually not a lot happening but the things that do happen is "OH MY GOD" status? I'm going for the former answer. Late 2015 may not feel like it, but it's been more peaceful now than it has been in the 20th century and the 20th century more than the 19th, so on and so forth. Peaceful as in "tranquil", not necessarily violence-filled. So is it that our minds are filling up with substantial mediocrity to have the passage of time move faster? When nothing happens, our minds skip all the boring old days so that when something does happen significantly, our minds sort of just wander from the last "happening" day to this one. That's what it feels like to me, anyway. Is that why the older folk feel like the time is slipping beneath their fingertips, because shit was REAL in the Atomic age? And they still remember this, yet forget the boring 2000s?


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