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in reply to Kenaron

I disagree. There are some shows that turn crappy if they go on past their first round of ideas (I.e. PowerPuff Girls.) because they are a self-contained universe and deviating too far from the original formula just destroys its cohesiveness.

JB seemed to suffer that too, but it has one advantage over most shows that makes a reboot viable: it's core is topical humor.

The joke of JB was watching an insecure momma's boy pretend to be a stud and fail badly in the late 90's dating scene. When the show kept running into the mid-2000s without evolving with the real world, it ran out of material and had it's point of reference eroded.

But if we brought Johnny into the Current Year, the opportunities write themselves.

Imagine Johnny trying to get into online dating, or getting a girl and struggling to put up with her keeping constant tabs on him with calls and texts.

Bring him back on Adult Swim, the possibilities explode exponentially; Johnny losing hope of getting a girl and going to the Manosphere (MGTOW, PUA, etc), Johnny getting strung along by a liberal arts student that makes him question his sexuality, him buying into Craigslist, entering the Hookup scene. Remember the episode that implied Johnny isn't a virgin? Do a flashback showing how he managed that.

There's plenty you could do with JB in the Current Year. I won't push for it though, cause I'm scared that Current Year Writers would eviscerate Johnny undeservedly.


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