Blackbro | Greentext Stories | Know Your Meme
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2179 Views Created 7 years ago By Goatllama • Updated 5 years ago

Created By Goatllama • Updated 5 years ago

. File: 1395371377016g-(15 KB, 350x265, 3558329024 474352014 badp) Anonymous (ID. ALF1AXU) 03/21/14(Fri)03:09:37 UTC No 538216537 PTreveling to friends house for holideys. Tweve hours so lar, driving through the night PAI night, this littlo s--- about ten, hes boen screeming and acting up >Playing Pokemon on his 3DS, announces every afteck in hormble screeching voice, sound effects included Four hours in the batery dies bus has power ports so his Mom puts on charger >Kid uriggling sbout and btching beceuse the battery doesnt charge quickly enough to keep playing right ewey Goes up to several other people in the bus Give me your phone "I wan your geme Mosl people gnore him, some poltely say no. Ha tries to take them anyway Big black dude with iPad tels kid to ga sit down when kid tries to take >Mom not pleased: 거ey don't you dare speak to my son like that you ape You probably cant even use that property." >Back dude p-----, but obiously used to this s---. Also has prety proper accant, Fresh Prince s--- yPiease Ma'am, don't hold us responstie for彻lusing you' child when it was your pour lu gernentto believe your prom debe woukd pukuL 0g >Mom about to叩e, Blackbro smling" od trying to steel another lads PSP Bus driver tels everybody to calm dowm or they'l gel kicked off Kid sits back down, but stil bitches unti he ean play again Doesnt know how to pay the game, keeps geting ass kicked by computer Continugd AnonymouS D: ALF1AXld) 03/21/14(Fny3:20:51 UTC No. 538218309 Repss: 225313885 -Get a few hours of sleep, neck f----- all week from seats >BAM next morning, bus puls into smat shopping ilag >Kid wnke up an hour ago, usual s--- going an, evarybody visibly p----- al him and his Mam Pul ino gas station'shopping center -Everybody wandering around, getting breakfast FKd sust puling stuff off the shelves and stuffing his face with Loops around the slore, around and around >His Mom is just sitting by the coffee stand at the store entrance, reading her tny fuckoing novel at one pege every ben minutes He starts swearing with the full yocabulary of a angsty teenager, knocking stuf off stands and displays with his anms -Tes in the aisle next to the one he's n, neer the end >A few stray cens of vagetables are siting in the speace under the shef Continued. Anonymous (D: ALF1AXid) 03/21/14(Fry3:24:48 UTC No 539218980 Repiss: 2253312231) >Go for goks, lean down, slide can under shet and into next ask Drect hit, hts his left foot and sends him into half 려 cartwheel while stil mertainng forward momentum >F------ swoar, ho looks o a cartoon, comploboly horizontal airtma But then grevity ipg Hts floor, keeps going thanks to super polished les On look.a giant pyramid 며 some liquid snap Estra value, galon botles. Dis gon be good >Into the bese he goes, bottles craish doun around hm >Caos ay off, so steadily pudding around him Mommy dearest sees this, goes into ful sprnt If the soap didnt break anything, her body sliding inlo him wold -She is just stunned, while he's crying and trying to run away >3l sipping around, can't get footing >Slore ownars running to assist while all the passengers are laughing at the two stooges doing their prat fal act >Bleck dude drops cless act and goes al "Ehit homief" on me. As much as wo beggod for him to liavo, bus drhor rotusod to lesve witho a the kid and m >She emerges from the store, looloing like Shrek had bukkaked her 가kid has massive bruise along al the len side of his face trom her he hit the noor -She peels matted hair off her face s"I will find out which one of you did this to my darting, baby boy PiTT, not in a store without securay cameras bich Continusd Anonymous (ID: ALF1AXId) 03/21 14(F3.35.42 UTC No 533220593 Reps: 220321003 2I3221120 2211 221 231822 114 22516221040 >Back on the bus, rding a high from nearly slaughterng the antichrist. -Four hours left, and廿 en vve transfer onso another bus >Kid sha bitching, but this time about his entine body aching Shoud be annoying, but is just music to al of us He talls aseep the rest of te way, I get in some shuleye too atter a s--- nigh >Wake up as bus puls into some small s------- of a town -we all get ofr, some leave, some se and wait for the next bus Mom is very obviously p-----, sticky, tired, and sore After sitting there for half an hour, fuming silenthy You did this didn't you you savage >He calmly denies She's on a rant, pointing at people ike her finger can shoot bulets Few of the locals are hanging around -Sho isnt stupid enough to biatantly say anything raciest to Blaclhro, who is slit calm as fuok Back and forth, she yeis, he denies >Finaly, she says "Ive had it with you people Starts walking oway >Blacktro "What do you mean you people?" It was obvious to everybody she only meant the other passengers, but Blackbro just used the Niggermancers special trap card Stay tuned for the grand finish 凵 Anonymous (ID ALF1AXld) 03/21/14(Fri)03.43 24 UTC №53822 185 1 Repias 2253ZZ211122A8222122aRa She's had it S"I mean you f------ fithy, kid beating niggor! >On and on she goes、spoutng ngger enough to embarass Dave Chappelle >Aher a couple of minules she runs out of brealh and slows down Blacldoro Shouldn't havo said niggar lady on why, you gonns beat me too you f------ monkey?" Blackbro, "I'm not sSits hack, opens up newspeper and starts reating Mom just confused for a moment, but then turns around Fsmernber how E mentioned that al the kcas were black Three portly Shanayneys, doled up in slutty makeup, Take nals and leopard print Where yuu think you goin' honey? >Nigress Unit #1 swings into her ston ach, Mom bends over in par. >Ngress Uihg #2 comes in and kicks her in the left shin. ㎞ocking her foot off balance. >As she fel 9·Nigress Unit 3 comes forward and grabs her by her, edding to her inomentum >Facs lands squarely on Unit #3S giant tree trunk leg knee She's out, kid's erying, crowd begins to disperse PI buy Bleckbro lunch >Bus shows up just around the time the cops do, we all get on and book it as Mom comas to >She begins to n after the bus as starts, but realises te futility and turns back PLast we see of her is her scresming at her Rid I remember her mentioning the trip was about imporlant business, lol f--- her. I stil see Blackbro every time I close my eyes THE END (Have other stories if requested.)
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Greentext Stories


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