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Gaming - jesus christ, ya roast soo much, you practically killed them!

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to LittleChiveOfFuckery Cebolinhadaputalia

TotalBiscuit's been getting a lot of mixed reactions from people ever since the whole "kicking a guy out of Coxcon for asking 'are traps gay?' during a Q&A panel" incident. Some people have also begun to see TB as something of an "elitist" who almost feels like an unironic example of the "PC Master Race" mentality and he'll shit on any console games that run at a max of 30 FPS regardless of the actual quality of gameplay (like Breath of the Wild or Horizon Zero Dawn).

Also I think he's one of the few professional critics who said he frankly doesn't care about Cuphead because he already had a preexisting dislike of "boss rush" games.

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in reply to Mistress Fortune

TB was always a pleb that had a very basic idea of what he's talking about, he had the right ideas initially, but in the past year his internet fame really went to his head to the point of him becoming a selfrighteous twat, which was becoming apparent even before the coxcon fiasco.

Also it should be noted that as soon as Youtube changed their revenue scheme to a "viewer engagement" one, his videos became more drawn out and diluted โ€“ the ideas and opinions he gushed over for 4-5 minutes of a 30 min. review were being condensed in ~30 sec of a 5 min review by other, muhc better reviewers.
Eventually I figured my time was too valuable to waste on such content so I unsubbed, then watched his sanity and relevance go down. Looking at his channel now โ€“ the podcasts took prevalcence over reviews, and the frequency of updates went down even when his health got better.

There are much better reviewers out there that give way more interesting commentary โ€“ in retrospect, TB never had anything interesting to say โ€“ and in a much more condensed manner as well. I can give some examples if anyone wants.


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