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I've always wondered how happy these people are. Like how can they always be mad at something so stupid? Trying to limit yourself from fun is just really weird to me cause there is a guy who voices it. It's like saying that you don't want to go to a movie that is like a Disney princess movie because the person who voices Elsa said something stupid. Like who actually cares about the persons internet history, I personally don't care about someones background when it comes to stuff. I may not like Leonardo Decaprio as a person, but I love him as a actor cause he is a great actor. Same goes for Jon Tron, all he did was voice, nothing bad nor nothing good, just a actor. Why should I be forced to know that he said something bad and then get told that I'm a bad person for playing a game that I enjoyed, just because one person is in it? I enjoyed the game, but is that a reason to call me a racist just because there is a guy who voice ACTED one part? Do these people really want to wallow and limit themselves to fun because of something so stupid? Are these people really even happy with saying this stuff?


in reply to The greater aerie


Neogaf was purged after it was revealed a head mod was a pedophile that the others covered up and the toxic userbase moved to a new site, leaving NeoGaf as as shell that FINALLY banned political discussion (you know after hundreds of political doxings) and made moderation anonymouse.

So… Reset Era is NeoGaf with 0 changes and still infested with SJWS.


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