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High Guardian Spice - Haha yeah remember fullmetal alchemist, sailor moon, and ranma 1/2 which were written by women what ...

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goo fak ye salt
goo fak ye salt

When people think that people are upset over the fact that the series is being written by women, when in reality people are upset that the video started talking about how "diverse" the cast and writers are, as if it was a selling point, instead of giving real details such as characters, and world building (also also the fact that Crunchyroll is doing all of this instead of improving their service)

if anything this tweet proves that people aren't upset that women are writing it since there there never was a controversy surrounding FMA or Sailor Moon.


It's not the management we have an issue with. It's the fact it's a western cartoon in a streaming service designed around eastern anime. Put it on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, any other streaming services perfect for cartoons, but don't put it in the one streaming service it's not meant to be in.


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