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Steven Universe - You know he'd totally do it! AND it would all work out in the end too!

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Finally someone illustrated one of my biggest issues with the series: You've got literal space dictators that have probably killed BILLONS all over the universe and all it takes for them to be redeemed is to say "lol u rite, killing innocents is kinda messed up; good thing you gave me that Hot Dog speech boi"…

The greater aerie
The greater aerie

in reply to Tigrerojo

It is a bit of an issue but i don't think looking atit that way works.
These creatures are manufactured to preform these tasks even if they are sentient.
The issue i think is more of an element of world building and story structure because they want that forgiveness angle but they make it more about everyone being oppressed by a need to be perfect and perfection. and it's very very poorly expressed


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