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Bring Back National Dex - Masuda and his foolproof arguments (commentary from people who know about balancing/3d modeling).

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in reply to ZoruaLoL

>And now Sword and Shield, you can tell they cut corners in many areas, the internal resolution seems to be bellow 1080p, there's no antialiasing, the texture quality is very low or at least it lacks any sort of anisotropic filtering. Too many sacrifices for a game that for what we have seen is capped at 30fps, with visible popping. And there are these reports that suggest that the reason why they aren't able to include all of the Pokémon in the game nor Megas and Z-Moves, is because they wasted a lot of internal space by duplicating each model for the Dynamax gimmick (no polycount or texture change, just some added clouds and a vortex) instead of doing something as simple as ">Resize root bone >Add particle effect* as any sensible developer would do.

TL;DR: Game Freak has fallen victim of its own clumsiness, it was a snowball running down a hill.

(Part 3)


It should be noticed that Game Freak are the kings of incompetent and inefficient programming

>The original Pokémon Red, Blue, Green and Yellow are known for being a coding mess, but it should be noticed that this the best they got in a 5 year-long development hell

>Before Satoru Iwata's intervention, Pokémon Gold and Silver would have been quite restricted in features, this including the access to the Kanto region, which in GF's effort has been shrunk and condensed into one single city in the Spaceworld '97 demo. (It's actually quite sad)

And even in the final game, there are plenty of missing sections, like half of Cinnabar Island and the Safari Zone, just to mention some. (All of these were thankfully returned to their former glory for the remakes)

>Diamond and Pearl were known for being noticeabely slow, to the point the player was able to abuse the loading and unloading of the map to get out of bounds.
Many of its key items are programmed into every single game afterwards, without any actual function.

>Pokémon XY and all of the 3DS-era games had absurdly high poly Pokémon models for a very low resolution screen, which caused framerate drops only exacerbated by the hoard battles, it got so bad that it led to the removal of anaglyph 3D, triple battles and rotation battles in Gen 7.

(Part 1)


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