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DC Comics - I am surprised that people react weird about Aqualad. people do not read comics or we knew from 2017...

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in reply to loafhero

I wonder how many people actually read the comic to give actual criticism instead the right to whine about it.

I wouldn't say it's great but it's nowhere as bad as the detractor says.

Stupid for the movie? Yea, pretty bad

Stupid for the comic? Where the hell have you been in the last decade? But hey, gotta jump on that bandwagon for those sweet sweet brownie points.


in reply to loafhero

Wow, just wow.

Everything you just posted shows how insecure you really are.

You honestly think that being an anti SJW makes you somehow better than the SJW.

Newsflash, it doesn't

You are every bit as shitty as any SJW fag out there.

And I love that you posted all the anti SJW image you think of. You do know that all that shit is actually so unbelievably in character for any of the comicvese, right? Like holy shit man, people been bitching how stupid the everyday citizen is in comic book world for decades now. But the whole reason why you posted them was because you felt you were being targeted & being strawman in this whole situation.

I'm honestly impress that you didn't bring up Iceman being gay as part of your argument. Or was that because it's beneath your big boy status. Even though that's one of few times the LGBT has admitted that was straight up pandering.

You can't be gay, black, Mexican, or anywhere in between without some asshole, like you, saying it's nothing more than shameless pandering marketing.

It's fucking a miracle someone like Kamala Khan can be anywhere be as successful as she is now with pricks like you festering the internet but gotta show how intellectual by getting offended by this dumb shit.

But hey, what else can a guy like you can do other than bitch about every little thing in life.

BTW, never called you a homophobe, but I am calling you a faggot.


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