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Gaming - Diversity in the West and East

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

>American flag

Wolfenstein 2: Swedish dev.
Beyond Good and Evil 2: French dev.
A Way Out: Swedish and Lebanese dev.

Only American company here is Hanger 13 for Mafia 3 as they're based in California. Also like Kill Me Please stated 3 of those 4 games on the left take place in a time period when afros where absolutely everywhere to begin with.


Finally, a "Western games VS Japanese games" image that is not a strawman against either and just shows actual examples for each case.

I guess you could also add Latino characters for the US games since they also have a lot of them, but I have seen what they have and I am honestly not impressed. They are either generic gringos with a bit of an accent and bam, "latino" character, or takes so safe and child-friendly that they do not even resemble actual latinos whatsoever.

I feel like, when it comes to Western media, cartoons usually do a better job at representation than videogames (and have done so for decades now), with a few exceptions here and there.


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