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Sugoi Dekai - Weebs forcing themselves to enjoy a SOL anime because the protagonist has huge tits

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To be fair, the manga itself debuted like 3 years ago and was never anything too big in popularity in any sense. Nobody cared about it besides a small following and nobody intended for that to change. It could have stayed like that for the anime itself, but Twitter did not allow it, so here we are.

Expect the same situation to happen for Komi-san once that one gets adapted to anime as well.

Mr. Watcher
Mr. Watcher

In reality, the reason the anime, and character if you remember the blood drive, is talked about so much is because of all the controversy. I mean really it’s not like it’s trying to do something crazy like this post suggest, it’s just another slice of life anime(which is fine if you ask me). People just wanted to complain about the character, that complaining lead to the controversy, controversy leads to news, news leads to people, people lead to them watching the anime, and BAM! They are supporting the series and some become fans. Maybe not everyone watches the anime, but still it will lead to talking about it and bringing up its popularity or likely getting a new fan in.

It’s a simple process really.


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