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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Krazy Kricketune

Best case scenario: they come back later in 2021 on the eShop as "Anniversary editions" (where with Mario it's all three games sold separately and for FE they suddenly come out with a "localized for the first time" collection that also has the SNES games and Roy's GBA debut which they first slowly put out throughout 2021 with the same limited time availability).

I keep seeing some people go "this would never happen under Iwata!" but eh hate to say it but thing is this sort of thing did happen under him. Metroid Prime Trilogy on the Wii was a limited time release as well, the Mario 25th anniversary collection on Wii was just a pretty basic repackaging of All-Stars on the SNES that was also only for a limited time (and those didn't have the benefit of also being available digitally so if you couldn't get a physical copy you were SOL), and for Zelda's 25th anniversary the Four Swords remaster on DSi and 3DS was also only available for a limited time (though to be fair to that one that was actually completely free).


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