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Why yes, plenty of authorities in Europe are keen on supporting local autonomy, soverignity and selfdetermination in other spheres of the world yet when faced with Catalans, Scots, Basques, Coriscans and the many other 'national minority/local majority' groups seeking the same suddenly huge asterisks seem to appear.

… What? You mean to tell me this image isn't actually meant to represent that?
Well shit.


Basically, the way it seems to me is:

Right-Wing Racism: Antagonistic towards the Minority.

Left-Wing Racism: Antagonistic towards the Majority.

And Left-Wing Racists usually don't correct what their perception of a Majority and Minority is when looking at other continents, resulting in situations like the above where they'll accidentally voice support for (what I've come to classify as) Right-Wing Racism against minorities in places such as Africa.


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