Downvote post if u karen(Are u Karen) | /r/Karen
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Jan 12, 2021 at 08:04PM EST
/r/karen reddit lip hairstyle eye chin forehead eyebrow eyelash bangs iris feathered hair blond eye liner
Origin Entry: Karen
File type: jpg
Resolution: (3024px x 4027px)
File size: 511 KB
I could never understand people who downrate a product because they use an ingredient that the person is allergic to | /r/FuckYouKaren
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Karen didn’t like a well known FONDUE restaurant because she had to “cook her own food.” Lmao Just give her 3,000 calories on a plate at Texas Roadhouse instead. | /r/FuckYouKaren
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Karen - Downvote post if u karen(Are u Karen) | /r/Karen
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