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Those book titles are ridiculous. Best of Karl Marx sounds more like an album than an anthology (a title like The Abridged Works of Karl Marx would make more sense), and Dementia for Dummies makes it sound like one learns how to be demented.

The fact that Xi Jinping is fondling Biden is kind of weird. I also noticed that the hands look pretty off (along with Biden's lack of a neck).

Blue Yoshi
Blue Yoshi

So not only is Ben Garrison a Trump supporter, but he:

-Supports QAnon.
-Thinks the Democrats are socialists or communists or something.
-Thinks Biden stole the election.
-Is anti-vax and anti-science.
-Supported the insurrection on January 6th, 2021.
-Hates everyone who supported Trump and spoke out against him recently (Bill Barr, Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham). Heck, he even hates Fox News when they said that Biden won Arizona and the election!
-Hates Twitter for banning his Twitter account and Amazon for getting rid of Parler.

What a pathetic loser.


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