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in reply to baldarek

Wow, 410. You don't see that everyday.

Say you make a HTTP request for coffee.

200 – OK [ Here's your coffee ]
400 – Bad Request [ "covfefe"? I don't get your request, please try again ]
401 – Not Authorized [ You haven't identified yourself properly, so I don't know if I can give you coffee ]
402 – Payment Required [ I have coffee, but you have to pay for it first ]
403 – Forbidden [ You are not allowed to have coffee ]
404 – Not Found [ I don't have coffee at this time. Try again later ]
410 – Gone [ There was coffee once, but not anymore and won't be available ever again. Please stop asking ]
418 – I'm a Teapot [ Here's your tea ]
451 – Unavailable for Legal Reasons [ Coffee? There's no Coffee! There never was any Coffee! Coffee is just a myth! Nothing To See Here! ]


in reply to Quiet_boi

There used to be a user here named Bryan Dusheng (I messed up the spelling in the first comment) who was extremely Schizophrenic and believe that Know Your Meme was part of a secret authoritarian cabal, that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump were agents of "The Dirtbag Left" and that they were all part of a Luddite cult that was conspiring to destroy all technology and send Earth back to the 1600's starting by destroying a Russian Space Satellite. He also thought Nox Lucis was an assassin sent by the cabal to make him OD on his medication.

Here's a couple threads:

Thread 1

Thread 2


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