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This whole week has been a weird shitshow of retcons and censoring.

- First WotC removes alignments from most iconic monsters and a lot of setting-specific lore from bestiaries.
- Paizo pledges to never use slavery as a plot point JUST AFTER publishing a 2e adventure path where you defeat the evil slavers and abolish slavery.
- Then WotC goes further and removes a bunch of questionable items (mentions of brothels and genocide are removed???) from the build-a-villain section of the DMG, removes any mention of races having a culture, and bizarrely removed a section mentioning that "your dwarves and elves can be whatever culture you want" in the book.

I get the push to get rid of the monoculture race (even if it was arguably present in the first place) but the push to change yuan-ti, beholders, and other monstrous creatures into an ambiguously evil inoffensive blob so the people who don't understand that imaginary monsters can be whatever you want don't get offended is odd to me. The paizo one makes absolutely no sense but people who role-play as former slaves are always cringe and I don't give a fuck about 2e anyway so I have a hard time caring.


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