Only known screenshot of an area of an early version of Big Boo's Haunt from the 1995 pre-release bu...
Uploaded by Sum Lu Zer Sep 12, 2022 at 12:37AM EDT
super mario 64 screenshot early version low quality supper mario broth
Origin Entry: Super Mario 64
File type: jpg
Resolution: (687px x 585px)
File size: 78.3 KB
If Mario is eaten by a Bubba fish enemy while surfing on a Koopa shell, the Bubba will eat only Mario and leave the shell floating on the surface of the water.
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Getting a star above an updraft will cause Mario to float in the wind indefinitely as control is taken away from the player, preventing Mario from escaping the updraft. The only actions the player can perform are moving the camera and turning off the game
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The floating boxes above the elevator in Hazy Maze Cave are at a precise height where, if the edges of the elevator are aligned with them, Mario can bypass them by briefly getting squished into the gap.
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There is unused code for throwing MIPS the rabbit, including a unique animation of him falling onto the floor and getting back up. In the finished version of the game, this was replaced by Mario carefully setting MIPS down instead of throwing him.
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Super Mario 64 - Only known screenshot of an area of an early version of Big Boo's Haunt from the 1995 pre-release bu...
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