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Communism - Two Sides, Same Coin | Here is a Communist meme that i fixed | FUCK COMMUNISM and FUCK NAZISM/FASCIS...

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Krupam the Oldfag
Krupam the Oldfag

And the Russian Civil War.
And the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forwards.
And the Killing Fields in Cambodia.
And 56' and 68' in Eastern Europe.
And Tiananmen.
Or every genocide and organ harvesting that takes place in the PRC.
Not to mention starting the whole mess with Afghanistan that lasts to this day.


The Holodomor was largely an effort to erase Ukrainian identity as part of the Soviet Union's Russification policy. The areas hit the hardest were in the east in places such as Donetsk and Zaporizhzhya (which should sound familiar), where many ethnic Russians took the place of Ukrainians. It seems that the current invasion is the garbage sequel. Keeping the Holodomor in mind, all of those suggesting that Ukraine should compromise with Russia are fools ignorant of history.

I honestly believe that "true communism" is just a utopian pipe dream vulnerable to power-hungry sociopaths like Stalin. The Cold War was a terrible era for those outside of the West. The "true communism" line just feels like a No True Scotsman at this point.


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