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RWBY - Y'all will be lucky if RWBY continues at all after this

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RWBY fans have been living on industrial amounts of copium for almost a decade; of course they're the kind of people whom are gonna cling to every last shred of hope 'till the bitter end. It's both inspiring and genuinely sad.

Chris the Lovable Jerk
Chris the Lovable Jerk

Give how popular RWBY used to be and how beloved the original characters from the first few volumes still are (before RT mangled them), I think the chances of another company trying to purchase RWBY and continue it in someway shape or form, most likely via a reboot, is a soft 'maybe' but there's no way in hell the original writers and VA's would be kept.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the first few years of RWBY turned it into an internet phenomenon but after Monty died Miles, Kerry and co. slowly turned into a grimdark mess with an unsalvageable and laughably poorly written story, with the last couple of volumes in particular being infamous for how badly handled the story and themes were.

I think the music composers (Jeff Williams, I think?) would be the only people they could bring back, everyone else wouldn't be allowed within a hundred yards of the writers' room or recording studio.


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