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Mourinho Disgust - "it's poorly written, full of plot holes, and badly directed." vs "wokeness, DEI, LGBTQ, trans agen...

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Jill Moderator

in reply to Charmielius

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is shitty for bad gameplay, bad story, being sold in an incomplete state, meaningless grind for the sake of grind, and microtransactions. If SBI didn't exist, the game would be just as shitty. Many relativly well liked games on Steam got inundated with negative reviews by association, not because anything changed in the game itself.


The most annoying part of people going 'le woke bad' is that it creates a smokescreen against actual criticism. The whole Acolyte thing comes to mind. I watched it with a family member that was even willing to give the disaster that was Rise of Skywalker a "I thought it was okay" and even they said "What the fuck was that?" at the end of Acolyte Episode One. I don't want to get into a whole 'Cinema Sins' thing but man, that debut episode was so full of holes you could sink two proton torpedoes to start a chain reaction in it, oho.


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