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Crimson Locks
Crimson Locks

Frankly, asking for $15 an hour is a little absurd. I'm not going to say "hurrdurr you don't deserve that money cus you only flip burgers" (gah, I hate that argument) but I can't help but feel that raising the minumum wage that high would do more harm than good because it would end up decreasing the number of jobs available, raise the prices of the product that the workers sell for minimum wage, thus making the livable wage even higher, the list goes on.

Minimum wage needs to go up, no doubt about that, but doubling it is most likely biting off more than we can chew.

Also, we need focus on the minimum wage for servers too. Getting $2.60 an hour and having the rest of your wage rely on how generous the customers feel that day is the truly absurd thing here.


To raise the wages would mean prices would go up meaning and companies would hire less workers. A 15 dollar an hour wage is worthless to the unemployed and….

Awww who am I kidding, this is the internet, arguing politics is worthless.


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