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Ow come ON, do learn French, it's sexy as fuck.

'Nyway, for ye yankees :-p

Mar_Lard "Summary of the stakes of the current events – in english" + link

Erwan "About GG (aka the mysoginist craze in the video game world)" + link

Trando "GG has nothing to do with mysoginy, point is to destroy the corruption of video game journalists"

Erwan "Nothing to do, yeah, sure, obviously"

Trando "Well, it's people like you that link it to mysoginy, not gamers"

Erwan "Please do not include all gamers in this pathetic campaign"

Trando "Wanting less corruption among video games journalists is pathetic. Ok…"

Erwan "Because that's obviously what this is all about (Running in circles here)"

Mar_Lard "(Magnificent, eloquent opposition)"

Trando "Still better than insulting the opposition"


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