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GamerGate - Amanda Marcotte goes Full Mcintosh.

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Our Guy
Our Guy

It's funny how people like Emma Watson at the UN are all like, "why does no one like feminism?", and they decide that if feminism has an image problem… it's men's fault. If the moderates want to fix the image, here are some very simple things they could do.

-Acknowledge the actions of extreme feminists like in this video and condemn them. Maybe I'm missing them, but I've never seen a comment on a video like this saying, "I am a feminst but they are despicable". Tell them feminism wants them to fuck off. If it wants them around, well, that's it for me. We acknowledge, report and condemn people abusing the GG hashtag, why don't feminists ever seem to police their own extremists?

-Admit that feminism is fallible and you don't have to agree with the feminist line on everything, and you might have a better chance at achieving wider support. Feminism's hubris and lack of allowance for any form of debate is massively off putting.

Feminism has become the Church of the 21st century. Dogmatic, unable to be challenged, turning a blind eye to people abusing the banner, eager to control media content and holding up men as the root of all evil by generational guilt, as Christians once blamed Jews for killing Jesus.

I could get behind the idea of gender equality the same way I could get behind the idea of love your neighbor, but that is not what these groups mean for a significant amount of western society.


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