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GamerGate - The problem with political and ideological extremes

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I do try to bring this up when people say "its about ethics in journalism." I think GG is about ethics in journalism and this^ (and maybe a little bit about bullying/stereotyping/scapegoating).

I'd be fine if the SJWs just wanted to claim their niche in the gaming industry and make the games they want to play. Hell, maybe AAA devs would get in on the action too, that's fine. Capitalism intensifies, right? I mean, in the music industry, there have been plenty of bands that have had a clear political agenda and still were successful. Rage Against the Machine have raged all the way to the bank writing songs about how evil whitey is.

They just need to drop this whole "the entire industry needs to change to comply with our views even though we constitute a very small portion of the consumer base." If you don't like something, don't spend your money on it. I don't like Top 40 pop music or sappy rom coms, so I don't spend my money on those things. I'm not going to start a movement to try and get those things removed entirely because they aren't my cup of tea.


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