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File: tomb of the unknown ipg (66 KB, 720x672) Veterans Day Thread Anonymous 11/11/14(Tue)10:13:12 No.23558584 >>23558639 >>23558971 >>23559000 23559070 23559261 23559725 23560055>23560061 23560075 23563549 2356377 23563860 23563940 23564206 Today we remember and honor our veterans in the USA to do this tell the stories of your grandfathers, fathers, your friends, and yourselves experiences in war >grampy >be OSS agent >speak 9 languages fluently >get sent to vichiy france >get german officers hammered on peppermint shnapps and get them to tell troop movement plans and other stuff >obtain intelligence and loose women >give to OSS command >sucessful assignment >grandpa loved schnapps till the day he died >grandpa is reassigned to morocco >go mark to mark the location of mines outside marrakesh and find nazis in the desert with recon team >nazis mined the river >see beddouin looking guy on camel who is shaking his hands and motioning for grandpa to come over to him >grandpa tries to talk to him through minefield >cant understand him >guy may have important intelligence >grandpa and his buddy park jeep, take minesweepers out and walk through partially marked minefield, then cross waist deep river, and walk through unmakred mine field with minesweeper to try and talk to camel jockey >grandpa tried to use all 9 languages swhen grandpa tries hebrew the guy gets all excite >takes grandpa and guy to the mountians >they go into cave full of dirty and starving people >camel man gets group elder >group elder says "shalom" to grampy >they speak in hebrew to each other, turns out the nazis mined the only source of water and their mines were blowing up their camels they gave the army the positions of the nazi troops in exchange for nothing >grandpa and other jewish Gl's loaded up jeeps with extra rations and local food and drove it out to them once they cleared the mines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYZgbgJdvc0 [Embed]
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