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You know what really grinds my gears: everything in this post.

1. It's amazing how most of these SJW always seemed to have taken a sociology class, and yet they don't know the difference between sex and gender. I mean, seriously, that's like the first important thing you will know when going into that class (I should know, I took it) and the difference is pretty damn obvious. Sex is biological and gender is mental; in other words I can say online that I am female as a gender because that is what I feel like I am, but I have a dick and other masculine traits making me a man by sex. So when someone say they are bisexual, that means they like the penis and vagina; not whatever gender somebody is referring themselves to.

2. Bi is Latin for two. And as far as I know there are only two sex trait: man and female. That is all, no need for an in depth explanation. It's called bisexual because there are only two sex traits out there; not multi sexual.

3. Maybe this is just a troll post, and I am just getting piss off for no reason . . . but alas considering all the past SJW post being ridiculously stupid, I have to assume this might be the person's true opinion. So yeah, I am angry that I couldn't tell if this is fake or real.

4. Biphobia, really? That would mean the person is afraid of the number 2. Though then again 2 is a pretty scary number, since it is after all a lonelier number than the number 1. But hey, it's not scarier than the number 4 and 7.


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