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PYRO Beatrice
PYRO Beatrice

in reply to PYRO

Image gallery is doing what it's meant to be doing.

It's a damn shame Monty passed, but that doesn't mean all that should be posted is the girls crying millions of tears.

Besides, comedy is a fantastic way to cheer people up. No need to be mopey all the time.


in reply to PYRO

As they say, and I'm sure Monty would agree based on his sleeping habits (God bless him he can finally rest now), the show must go on.
Same reason why I don't think it's dickish to openly ask or question the future of RWBY so soon. It's how he'll live on and we all care about it.
For quite a lot of this, the fact that RWBY will most likely continue and continuing the usual fandom movements is the best way to cope.


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