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GamerGate - Anti-GG doesn't seem to like to help young students out.

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She… she does realize that Linkedin is basically Facebook for businesses, right? You're supposed to use it to strengthen the social bonds between you and those you're doing business with, not use it to pester people for jobs.


in reply to Hotelman

Brianna Wu has transcended to a level of arrogance and stupidity that that even League of Legends players rarely witness. Ever since GG and her getting at it's peak 14k a month from her Patreon, as well as being from a well off family, all for sitting on her ass and playing victim, she sees herself as untouchable.

She thinks that no matter what she does, no matter how disgusting, or vile, as long as she cries victim she'll have a horde of white knights throwing money at her and defending her with tooth and nail. She probably should stop since eventually the real world will come knocking, and when it does her clique won't be able to help her at all.


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