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Fallout - This dosn't sound overblown at all

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We wanted to build over 300 hours of content into the next fallout, but at a certain point we realized….THE GAME WAS BUILDING ITSELF. It's deleted everything on every computer it comes into contact with. It needed room for more fallout. We couldn't contain it. We've tried everything we can to stop it. it's spread out across the web, taking over every computer it can reach. All communications with the east coast have ceased. The amount of gameplay is immeasurable at this point. Our lead producer said he doesn't know how much technology has been assimilated but had this to say "Its intellegence has already surpassed our own. I don't think it believes it needs people to play it anymore. Fallout 4 sees humans as nothing more than a pest" Our producer committed suicide early this morning, writing "I'm sorry" across his computer monitor; which appeared to be showcasing the amount of different companions you can get. They number in the millions.


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