111 Views Created January 18, 2018 By Steve Hague • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Steve Hague • Updated March 23, 2023

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Trackdown Trump

Origin Entry: Donald Trump


In 1958, the television series "Trackdown" featured a con-man named "Trump" (Walter Trump) who spread fear in the town (through "fake news") and said that he alone could save them by building a wall. Eerie!!

This was from Season 1, Episode 30.

Narrator: Hoby had checked the town. The people were ready to believe. Like sheep they ran to the slaughterhouse. And waiting for them was the high priest of fraud.

Trump: I am the only one. Trust me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing can penetrate.

Townperson: What do we do? How can we save ourselves?

Trump: You ask how do you build that wall. You ask, and I'm here to tell you.


In 1958, the television series "Trackdown" featured a con-man named "Trump" (Walter Trump) who spread fear in the town (through "fake news") and said that he alone could save them by building a wall. Eerie!! This was from Season 1, Episode 30. Narrator: Hoby had checked the town.

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