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KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni

Last posted Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT. Added Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts from 235 users

Well, I still maintain that this thread (and any thread with its own topic) should be Pony before all else. If a person can't come in and read about ten consecutive posts and tell that it is a Pony thread, then I think it's going too far off-topic.

Personally, I don't have a problem with politics being discussed here as long as pony images are posted or it's brought back around to the show, the fandom, or something related.
As for Alex, as long as Pony is being discussed before anything else (but not necessarily exclusively,) then it's just a matter of others considering what you think and making a decision on it.

Erin ◕ω◕ wrote:

And then there was a Pinkie fic that was the exact inverse of my own. :P What is a Name?

Okay I'm confused. Is "what is a name?" your fic, and the opposite is indicative of something spoilery… (or for some reason you forgot to mention. )

Or is Your fic something else entirely, and you're just not mentioning it? Possibly on the assumption we've seen it earlier?

Either way, I would like to know what the other fic is.

Luna Protege wrote:

Okay I'm confused. Is "what is a name?" your fic, and the opposite is indicative of something spoilery… (or for some reason you forgot to mention. )

Or is Your fic something else entirely, and you're just not mentioning it? Possibly on the assumption we've seen it earlier?

Either way, I would like to know what the other fic is.

Connor's is Who Am I…?

Which… is… well… the inverse of the thing he posted, basically.

As for the Shipping deal you posted the last page…

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

RandomMan wrote:

-Just give me the short version on the documentary.
-How did people respond to your Scootaloo?
-Met any cool bronies? Did lots of brofists? (Asking the last question due to stories I heard from Verbose and Opspe.)
-Good cosplay?
-For just a screening, were there any big names?
-Met KYM bronies? Some who even knew us perhaps?
-Why are your legs so hairy?
-Moar pics!

(Sorry for the delayed response… and the massive size of this post. I tried to spoiler the pictures to keep it as compact as possible.)

Let's go bullet by bullet:

-In its most basic form, the documentary is an interwoven series of stories about a handful of bronies that looks at their motivations for entering the fandom and the various consequences that followed.
The ones I liked most were the kid trying to explain his interest in ponies to his very 'conservative' father and the 20-somethng guy from a backwater red-neck (his words) town where Celestia stickers on his window literally led to someone pointing a rifle at him at one point.
A great mix of stories that each show different angles of approach to the fandom.
Mix in a bunch of interviews with Faust and the voice actors as well as some shorter testimonials from various bronies and you have the bulk of the content.
There are also about four or five fan-animated segments in there that are all kinds of awesome.
(John De Lancie is one mean talk-singer! Worth seeing the movie just for that as far as I'm concerned!)

-People freaking loved my Scootaloo and that is much more of a compliment to the girl who made her than it is to myself obviously.
I carried her around most of the day on Sunday and had people walking up to say something about her all the time.
I did get a little tired of the half-dozen chicken jokes, but overall it was very fun.
<div class=spoiler title="Meeting Her Heroes">
<div class=spoiler title="Learning to Fly">
<div class=spoiler title="Being Temporarily Abducted by Apple Bloom">
You'll need to watch this video for context, but essentially a plush war broke out amongst the VAs.
The 35 minute mark introduces the players while the first 'shot' is fired at about 42:30.
The conflict spread into the autograph room later in the day where Scoots got swept up when Michele Creber won by amassing them all.
My favorite shot of the day!

-I'm very much the shy type so I didn't talk to too many people, though I definitely struck up a few conversations.
Brofists flow like rivers at these conventions, too.
Got plenty just for Scootaloo.
The only one I really initiated was when I discovered that the guy sitting right behind my happened to also be an Eagle Scout, so that was interesting.

-Cosplay came in all forms.
<div class=spoiler title="Snowflake">
This guy was pretty cool and always got the crowd going with a good "YEEEEEEAAAAAHHH!!!"
<div class=spoiler title="Double Robo-Dashes">
There can be only one!
<div class=spoiler title="Fausticorn">
So freaking awkward when this guy (yes, it was a guy in there) asked a question during Mrs. Faust's panel.
<div class=spoiler title="SPY!">
This one was simple but entertaining. Evey hour or two he would switch out his mask, but the Lyra one combined with his sitting position was my favorite.
There were also quite a few non-pony costumes like Duke Nukem, Deadpool, and some Homestuck characters, too.

-Big names?
Obviously the four VAs, four writers, William Anderson, and Lauren Faust were all there as official guests so they are givens.
I did stumble upon a certain MANLY BRONY as well.
Mandopony, Eurobeat, John Joseco, Silvahound, and HotDiggityDemon were all there too, but i didn't get any shots of them.

-I did not happen across any KYM bronies while I was there, but then again, I wasn't really asking either.

-I am part bear on my mother's side.

<div class=spoiler title="A Nice Surprise on Day Two">
I didn't actually get to play, but it was fun watching others take shots at it.
<div class=spoiler title="Suddenly, VAs!">
I was nearly trampled to death by Michelle and Tara as they left one of their panels. Figured it was as good a time as any to get a picture. Final Draft of Everfree Radio is right there, too.

Last edited Nov 08, 2012 at 05:17AM EST

Ah cool, thank you for the coverage Deadparrot!

Well i got a couple of questions about the documentary as well:

- Does the introductory part start with the history of MLP? I have seen some smaller reports that usually start with the older generations. Of course MLP has a history, but these lenghty presentations of the older generations are quite tiresome.

- How is this implemented? This is just so cute, such a cool coincidence…

- How high is the hm cringe factor?^^


First Pony ice sculpture – check!

Last edited Nov 08, 2012 at 10:12AM EST

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:

Connor's is Who Am I…?

Which… is… well… the inverse of the thing he posted, basically.

As for the Shipping deal you posted the last page…

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

The good thing about the system, (for my purposes anyways) is that it can support up to Twelve different pairings with the one character.

… and when I've got a fan comic where Poly-Amory is a viable solution to any "who do I choose?" scenario; it helps keep it from devolving into a copy-pasta thing.

-Not that breakups won't come into play. In fact, a micro arc for my comic will involve Vinyl Scratch, having ages ago dumped Seven partners at once… for being evil.

…And then she meets Octavia!

I bet everyone knows where that is going…

Edit: On a related note, I figured out a possible way one would Ship Rainbow Dash and Rarity; the least shipped of the Mane 6 shipped with Dash. Simply use the idea that Rarity has White Queen feelings for Dash, and Dash has Black Queen feelings for Rarity. And such would be marginally supported by Rarity's willingness to support Dash, and go first to test Twilight's spell during "Sonic Rainboom"… Even if she got distracted. But hey, its hard to have a Shipping story without dysfunction.

Last edited Nov 08, 2012 at 10:27AM EST

I'm back! I don't have Halo 4 (Yet). But I was away because I've been playing a lot of Darksiders 2 and a bit of DOTA 2 (My computer sucks)

@DeadParrot222: Good to see that you and Scoots had some fun. It's really nice to see that the brony community have such positive and serious things even with all the bullshit that goes around.

@Whitishcollar: Oh yeah, the documentary! Does any one know how done it is? I mean, how much time until it is done?
That sculpture is not bad, the eyes are closed, the neck is a a bit thin, but… Oh, it's RD's cutie mark.

Oh, I almost forgot: THE END IS NEAR!

Last edited Nov 08, 2012 at 11:03AM EST

The doc begins with a few people people giving a few of the more 'standard' brony stories all nicely edited together: "I found this thing online and it looked weird so I tried it, my friend bugged me until I watched it, I resisted at first but something about it drug me in…"
That kind of stuff.
There is a brief 'History of MLP' section (no more than two minutes, tops), but it is done in the form of a song sung by John De Lancie so it is certainly not tiresome.

That particular story of Lauren's old babysittee was not in the cut that I saw, but the producers did say that footage exists.
Apparently, Krissy was invited to BronyCon where she and Lauren had a very cool reunion, all on camera.
Unfortunately, the producers also said that they shot something like 500 hours of film for this 90 minute movie, though, so not everything made it in.
There is still a possibility of it showing up in the final version, or it may end up on the 'bonus disc' that they are planning.

The 'cringe factor' is pretty low.
You get some obligatory shots of cosplay so that might throw some people off, but I think they did a good job of making them not look like total freaks.
Then again, this audience was pretty much all bronies and right at the end of a convention, so there may be some desensitization in play.
Overall, I don't recall anything overly groan-inducing, though.

They said that the documentary is roughly 80% done at the moment, so we should see release somewhere in December if everything goes to plan.

Man, I almost can't believe we're gonna see a new episode this week. It's been so many weeks since season 2 ended. I watched all of those teaser clips and now I'm fukken hyped.

Dis gonna be good.

DeadParrot222 wrote:

Okay guys, I got bored so I decided to break out the video camera to show off some of the stuff I got at the con.

Something seems… off…

I don't even want to know how much money those were combined.

(As promised Fifths, we split everything. I'll send you the cordinates of the drop off point in a PM.)
Last edited Nov 08, 2012 at 10:29PM EST


I'm guessing…

God damn is that my favorite picture…

Anyways, that's pretty awesome, Deadparrot. I wish I was secure in my lack of blindingly radiant sexiness to go out in public. I would dress as Deadpool or something. For gits and shiggles.

Season 3 is close at hand, as well, which is leaving me far less hyped than I imagine all of you are. I've avoided ad many of the spoilers as possible (a feat which is fucking difficult, all things considered), waited as long as anybody, and still don't really feel to hyped. Guess I'm just not feeling all that brony-ness I used to. Weird.


I have to say I'm not particularly hyped for season 3 either. It's not that I'm not looking forward to it. I've avoided all spoilers as well, so I guess it's just been sitting at the back of my mind and not been dedicated any thought. I came into the fandom a few episodes after the start of season 2, so this is the first new season I'll have been a brony for, but it's not unlike any other TV show. I'll try to catch the season premier as it shows, sure, but after that I'll just watch episodes when I have the time and think about them.

@Solaire + ExudesAffluence

… I think it's natural to have differing shades of enthusiasm.

Some play it cool, and have good patience, and so don't get themselves worked up when something is coming up.

It's like "I love this, but getting worked up beforehand isn't neccacary. It hasn't started yet."

I can respect that.

As for myself: I'm the opposite. My passion is normally on par with this…

…but nearing a big event, it increases to this…

-and the only way I'm gonna burn off all that energy is to spend several hours on Stepmania, assuming I can get the pony song packs to work.

P.S. I have also elected to calibrate my sleep schedule so as to catch the premiere time, at what for me would be 1 AM in the morning… Is That Weird?

Last edited Nov 09, 2012 at 03:41AM EST

Commodore 64 wrote:

Guys, I'm sure you're all keenly aware of this, but…

Actually, 23 hours and 59 minutes according to Equestria Daily.

Avoided spoilers? Check. Pony marathon this evening? Check. Season 3, I'm ready.

Hopefully thats just enough time to watch every episode in existence.

…provided my net can handle it.

After that, a quick nap, then a wake up call for me.

Platus wrote:

Alright – I haven't been here in weeks and I am almost certainly derailing a conversation, but that's just how you have to roll sometimes when you wanna be this hardcore.

Behold: ponies and philosophy!

Epic guitar riff.

I'll show myself out.

I clicked on the link for ponies, and yet I come away from it with my fandom allegiance to Transformers strengthened, thanks to a comment on that article by a guy called "Michael". The article in of itself was interesting, but after reading that comment…

Also, @ZeroBlue:
Where find super power/saiyan pony art like that? Awesome stuff.

Last edited Nov 09, 2012 at 11:44AM EST

Supreme the Lurking Monitor wrote:

I clicked on the link for ponies, and yet I come away from it with my fandom allegiance to Transformers strengthened, thanks to a comment on that article by a guy called "Michael". The article in of itself was interesting, but after reading that comment…

Also, @ZeroBlue:
Where find super power/saiyan pony art like that? Awesome stuff.

1st one, no idea.

The other is from the hot blooded pinkie tumbler.

In other ponderences, anyone notice that the only material possessions that Rarity seems to want to gather are Nice looking stuff? And the rest of the time that she does any self centered things is when it's about her public image.


She's either got an image problem, or she's of the opinion that any work of art is more valuable than anything else she has.

Or third thing…

Last edited Nov 09, 2012 at 12:01PM EST


So Fifths did make it out (whether or not you were aware of it). That's cool.

Also, DeadParrot is not a machine programmed to love Scootaloo.

Sure, we've seen a picture of some guy before, but that means nothing.
It's also odd how I now recognize some of your faces now. More "older" or "retired" Pony General users than current, active ones, but still.

And oddly enough, I don't think any of you had neckbeards. GROW NECKBEARDS AND QUIT INDUCING COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

Derpy Musings

It has been mildly established with Pinkie Pie that the ponies' real names are a bit more complex than what they are ussually referred to as, with people citing "Pinkamena Diane Pie" for something to do with that….

… So what would Derpy's be?

With the whole 2 accepted names at different times thing, it gets confusing.

So here's my preliminary idea.

Ditzina Derpinith Delorean-Hooves.

Not sure how I came up with Delorean from Doo, but it reminds me of all the shipping she gets with Doctor Hooves. So I'll go with that.

And if the four names in full name thing annoys you… I just want to note that I myself have four names. It happens…

And maridge of parents, or just maridge, is often a factor, if you're wondering. So it's perfectly viable for those of you that ship the Derpy/Doctor Hooves thing.

Last edited Nov 09, 2012 at 01:50PM EST

I'm back! My adventures in the future are over. Sure is convenient that I came back the day before the new season premiere………….Oh crap, I gotta catch up on three weeks of homework!

Last edited Nov 09, 2012 at 03:43PM EST


I think Derpy's full name would be Derpina Esmerelda Hooves (Derp E. Hooves).
It's been said that Ditzy Doo and Derpy Hooves are two different ponies.

While I'm at it, I'll think of full names for Pinkie's two sisters:
Inkinella Wellington Pie
Blinkinena Jeanne Pie

Here's some more:
Rainbow Wendell Dash (For some reason, I think her middle initial is W. It's probably from the name of a fan of Rainbow Dash's: Phillip W. Heinrich. Also; "R to the I-A, N-B-O-W Dash")
Bonita Candy Kornell (Bon Bon)

It’s been said that Ditzy Doo and Derpy Hooves are two different ponies.

Then who the hell is Ditzy Doo?

This whole time I've been pretending that "Ditzy" is just Derpy's old nickname, her real name has always been Derpy. Meanwhile "Doo" is Derpy's family name from before she got married to Doctor Hooves.

She was Derpy Doo. Then married into the *Hooves family then became Derpy Hooves. Makes sense to me

*(I know the Doctor only uses that as an alias but that's beside the point)

Last edited Nov 09, 2012 at 06:54PM EST

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

It’s been said that Ditzy Doo and Derpy Hooves are two different ponies.

Then who the hell is Ditzy Doo?

This whole time I've been pretending that "Ditzy" is just Derpy's old nickname, her real name has always been Derpy. Meanwhile "Doo" is Derpy's family name from before she got married to Doctor Hooves.

She was Derpy Doo. Then married into the *Hooves family then became Derpy Hooves. Makes sense to me

*(I know the Doctor only uses that as an alias but that's beside the point)

With my version above somewhere,I work on the assumption that "Derpy" was some kind of middle name; as it was used on its own in the show. While the standard convention for referring to ponies seems to be firstname-lastname; it makes sense that the nicknameified middle name be used on its own it that case.

As for the Doo part, it could be a contraction of her old last name and the "Hooves" name. So now "Delorean" is making more sense to me than it did when I suggested it.

Also… Anyone think it's fun to think that Derpy has a name full of D? Ditzy Derpy Doo?

Fun to say right?

Derpy Vaz wrote:

Who is streaming tomorrow?

Hmm… That does make one think of Twilight as the "Morning Star".

Or Evening star. I forget which.

There's also a bit of a question that needs to be raised there. Such as…

What if Celestia and Luna's special talents are just magic itself, and the specifics of sun and moon are just which Celestial body that they gain their powers from?

After all, many a unicorn with magic as a talent has the stars and, sometimes, the moon, as a cutie mark. And it is a common mythological theme for spell-casters to gain power from the sun and the moon.


I thought of it as she will be one of the Princess' some day.
One raises the sun the other the moon and one brings out the stars.
that is what Celestia is grooming her for.

Last edited Nov 09, 2012 at 11:38PM EST

Yes But I don't see it as they get there powers from the sun, moon and stars more like that is just what they are in charge of. Kinda like in winter wrap up all ponies chip in to change the seasons. Dash helps with the clouds but I don't see her getting her power i.e. strength from them.

Derpy Vaz wrote:

Yes But I don't see it as they get there powers from the sun, moon and stars more like that is just what they are in charge of. Kinda like in winter wrap up all ponies chip in to change the seasons. Dash helps with the clouds but I don't see her getting her power i.e. strength from them.

Sort of yes sort of no… Let me explain.

Notice how Rainbow Dash seems to have a near supernatural affinity with rainbows, alowing the rainbow trails, which at its peek of power becomes a sonic Rainboom. The rainbow motif is mildly expressed in the cutie mark.

However, the rest of the cutie mark is shaped into a form indicative of the expression of that affinity in application to her talents. And their special abilities stem from that.

So take her Rainbow affinity, add in the "lightning fast" thing, and you get a sonic Rainboom for an ability and a rainbow lightning bolt for a Cutie mark. I guess.

This is the one time it makes sense to describe it in homestuck terms.

Part of any ponies abilities may be powered by an "aspect", and the exact form of those abilities are decided by their special talents, or "class".

Although I probably wouldn't want to be too strict sticking to homestuck rules, it does sound like an easy way to describe each Pony.

Celestia, Seer of the Sun.
Luna, Princess of the Moon.
Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Knight.
Twilight, Heir of Stars.
Pinkie Pie, Oracle of Whimsy.

…and so on…

And one does have to admit, in most cases, a pony's cutie mark would seem to be influenced by both their talent and their "Aspect". So it's reasonable that even if I'm not 100% correct, there is still enough of an observation there to assume its not just a coincidence.

I haven't posted any animations or anything like that for well over a month and a half, because having a real life kinda sucks. I am disappoint in myself, but I heard you like interactive Flash stuff. Still, I doubt this will satiate your thirst too much.

Somewhere this way

Last edited Nov 10, 2012 at 01:19AM EST

Back with more stuff from EQLA, everybody!
So, as my last video showed for those who recognized him (RandomMan & Verbose seemed to), our resident musician Fifths made his way down from Chicago for the event as well, and he even brought his guitar!
Here's just some of what Fifths did at EQLA.

First up, a personal favorite of mine (since he wrote it about my fanfic), here he is performing 'Tiny Wings' live for a crowd of some:

Next up is something that is truly special.
Some of you may recall an interview with the show writer Amy Keating Rogers at BronyCon where she revealed that she had originally designed Pinkie's Smile Song with her own tune that was never used in the final version.
She even sang it acapella right there on the con floor.
(Here's the video for reference: BRONYCON! The conversation starts at 7:00 while the song itself is at about 12:30)
Well, Fifths took that and wrote his own accompaniment for guitar.
Then, as she was leaving the Writing Panel on Saturday, he managed to talk to her and she agreed to sing it with him!

I do apologize for the sound quality.
The con was pretty loud and my camera is not great, but I think that the unique epicness of this performance still gets through quite well.

Finally, Fifths surprised me personally with an awesome set of drawings and sketches that he had created over the past couple of months.
He's posted a few here before, but the real standout this time was this:

Not only is this an entertainingly evil version of Discord screwing with Scootaloo, but he even got John De Lancie himself to sign it!
Just an absolutely amazing gift!

Gentlemen, this is it. We're at the end. The final stretch. We did it.

Unfortunately I will not be joining you for a few more hours. I shall return as soon as possible!

Godspeed, my brony friends.


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