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"Green Hill Zone" Remixes

Added by New Age Retro Hippie • Updated about a year ago by ­­­Alex Mercer
Added by New Age Retro Hippie • Updated about a year ago by ­­­Alex Mercer

"Green Hill Zone" Remixes
"Green Hill Zone" Remixes
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Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 1991 Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog Region:
Tags: hedgehog remix green hill zone sonic the nostalgia mashup ytpmv

Additional References: Wikipedia


Sonic the Hedgehog: Green Hill Zone 500,000+ views

"Green Hill Zone" is the 16-bit background music to the first stage in the 1991 Sega Genesis game Sonic the Hedgehog. The game is the inaugural game of the entire series. However, the track was turned into 8-bit when transfered over to the master system.

Sonic 1 (8-bit) Music- Green Hill 41,000+ views

The song has even made it into Super Smash Brothers Brawl:

Green Hill Zone- Super Smash Bros. Brawl 356,000+ views

The Sheet Music:

Variations and The Remixes

This track has been heavily remixed on YouTube, amassing staggering amounts of remix videos. A lot of the tracks are techno/trance style:

Sonic the Hedgehog- Green Hill Zone Remix 33,000+ views

Sonic the Hedgehog- Green Hill Zone Remix (OC Remix) 71,000+ views

Sonic Adventure 2 "Green Hill Zone" Music Request 167,000+ views

While others are different genres altogether:

Piano Version:

Green Hill Zone- Piano(Sonic the Hedgehog) 113,000+ views

Electric Guitar Version:

Green Hill Zone Original 263,000+ views

Metal Version:

MegaDriver- Hedgehog Metal (Green Hill Zone) 177,000+ views

On Ocarina:

Green Hill Zone on Ocarina 130,000+ views

Orchestral Version:

Videogame Orchestra: Sonic 1 – Green Hill Zone 56,000+ views

This track is also paired with various memes:

Mario Paint Songs

Sonic The Hedgehog Green Hill Zone on Mario Paint 1,191,000+ views


Green Hill BONK 181,000+ views

Hatsune Miku/ Vocaloids

Hatsune Miku- Green Hill Zone 44,000+ views

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Green Hill Zone

Wiz Khalifa and Ms. Rightfernow

On April 17, 2009, Rapper Wiz Khaflia uploaded a video of his song "Ms. Rightfernow", which samples the Green Hill Zone as he raps about typical rap subjects, such as "spending paper" and "time for action". Here's the video (Warning!!!! This is the NSFW part!!!!) :

The video has obtained 538,900 views to date, and even has a Chopped & Screwed Version. The video only has only 17,419 views as of yet, however.:


Sometimes, the audio is used and even is the focus of multiple YTMNDs. Here's a couple:

Green Hill Zone: Motobug

Bee Cosby Invades Green Hill Zone: Buzzbomberjazzmusic

Green Hill Zone (This one's the actual track/ stage): Greenhill

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