25 Of The Most Iconic Twitter Memes To Remember If The Platform Actually Does Shut Down - Related Memes - Covfefe twitter trump typo cofveve tyrone biggums @xlxelementalxlx redpilldropper jiminyg evan milton simgasm communications over various feeds electronically for engagement Covfefe The Ratio / Ratioed twitter replies retweets bad tweets axiom jason chaffetz luke o'neil corey stewart chris cillizza ratioed ratio'd ratioed definition ratio meaning what is getting ratioed internet slang what does ratio mean slang The Ratio / Ratioed @Wendys wendy's corporate twitter fast food roast own @Wendys You Know I Had to Do It to Em lucky luciano luckyluciano17k dr. phil m&m graffitidraws zenyatta @luckyluciano lucky luciano meme you know i had to do it to em meme you know i had to do it to them photoshop exploitables You Know I Had to Do It to Em Woke Toddler twitter politics election kalebhorton seanmcelwee's stephen marche jay hathaway hinxminx woolybully69 butsay Woke Toddler Damn Daniel twitter worldstar remix vans white vans back at it with the white vans josh holz Damn Daniel Elon Musk business entrepreneur tech space energy paypal space x tesla tesla motors hyperloop business man tesla roadster tesla truck ironman tony stark tom edwards lyndon rive peter rive confinity teletubbies iamstaka radioashgarde rabidsplee Elon Musk Dril twitter wint @dril novelty weird twitter Dril Twitter / X twitter hub tweet memetic hub social network crowdsourcing sites of 2012 social networking site jack dorsey odeo evan williams biz stone hashtags Twitter / X 1 2 Entry Categories Cultures 319 Events 3,799 Memes 32,383 People 2,625 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,952