10 Outdated Images That Aged Like Spoiled Milk
As with everything in life, we all get old eventually. But age can be both a blessing and a curse. Some people look better as they grow older, while others look worse. Some people grow wealthier as they age, while others can go broke. It's all about how you play the cards you're dealt. Often, we can leave the more difficult parts of our past behind.
But when it comes to the things posted online, everything sticks. That means things you say or do years ago could come back to haunt you now. This also applies to news headlines or other forms of media that don't stand the test of time at all. You have to be careful with the things you say or do online because if you aren't, they could bite you back years later. The subreddit /r/agedlikemilk has many great examples of this very circumstance. From poorly timed news headlines to old media that resurfaces and ages horribly, here are ten of our favorites.
Very Relevant Meme
(Source: Reddit)
We should probably learn our lesson not to believe the things people say online.