Two history memes in the following collection.

14 History Memes To Distract From The Present

When we're feeling down about the many problems with the modern day, history memes can be helpful. Mostly because they remind us that we're just living through another big event in the grand scheme of things, and based on past trends, the world has always been in pretty terrible shape. Maybe it's not the most optimistic thought, but it's comforting to joke about the mistakes people made hundreds of years ago rather than fixating on our own.

Hopefully, these memes will offer some therapeutic benefit to get you through this difficult era. If not, maybe they'll at least teach you some pretty weird history facts that you never knew about before. Thanks to the efforts of people who know way more about history than the rest of us, we've got some of the best history-themed memes to share with you today, so here are some of our new favorites.

Churchill Got a Doctor's Note to Get Alcohol During Prohibition

Whiston Churchill кир on hand OCP: P O.C. PICKHARDT, M.D. 117 EAST 80 STREET NEW YORK This is to certify that the post-accident conva- lescence of the Hon. Winston S. Churchill necessitates the use of alcoholic spirits especially at meal times. The quantity is naturally indefinite but the minimum requirements would be 250 cubic centimeters. made with mematic January 26, 1932. Signed:- P. Vilell, d OTTO C. PICKHARDT, M.D. Americans Americans

(Source: Reddit)

Apparently this was an option all along. It probably would have prevented a lot of people from poisoning themselves if they knew.

Not Nearly That Scary

I'm gonna steal all your money then eat you alive HE TO Pirates in fiction made with mematic Regarding the economic crisis we are facing I have no other choice but to rob you. Don't worry I won't hurt you I'm not a savage Nooo you are a maniac Pirates in reality No problem I know there's nothing personal there

(Source: Reddit)

Pirates were also very socially progressive, gay-friendly and non-violent.


Advanced civilization with great architectural know onon It was made by aliens

(Source: Reddit)

40,000 People Thought This Was a Good Idea

"Let's crash two locomotives together" they said. "It'll be a cool publicity stunt" they said. "We'll even have free admission to watch" they said.

(Source: Reddit)

Turns out it wasn't. Who would have guessed?

Let Them Eat Cake

Got this position in how do i save my king AAAAA S 2

(Source: Reddit)

The Story of John Hinkley Jr.

That girl from the movie Taxi Driver is cute, I think I'm obsessed with her. She isn't responding to my creepy letters, I need a new way to catch her attention. I'll assassinate the president, just like in the movie. That'll make her notice me. This definitely won't just horrify her and land me in an insane asylum.

(Source: Reddit)

This is probably the dumbest assassination attempt ever made.

Maybe We Shouldn't Have Declared Independence

American Inventions Bu Blux Blan 1515 HAMBURGERS TELE European Inventions Atomic Telephone bomb Fast Bacial food segregation Car THOU Democracy Penicillin

(Source: Reddit)

Europe still had many, many problems, some of which were very similar, so this is admittedly biased.

Only 1340s Kids Remember This


(Source: Reddit)

He Was Just a Good Guy 80 Hades in Greek Mythology Hades in Western Movies

(Source: Reddit) man

Lovecraft Had Some Issues

A Never Ask A Woman Her Age A Man, His Salary Lovecraft who is the missing link between Man and animals, according to the Olympian Gods

(Source: Reddit)

I Bet He'd Like Lovecraft

Me agreeing with some of the points Martin Luther said about the Catholic Church Him turning out to be a raging anti-Semitie

(Source: Reddit)

Still Longer Than Some Kings

Thank god the Queen had a boy, without him we would have no king! If he happened to die we would be in such a political turmoil ut *Dies of cringe after 5 days of reign*

(Source: Reddit)

Couldn't Be

made with mematic Yo Gilles watch out there's a dangerous serial-killer living next to your house, he apparently killed 140 children. But that can't be you since you were a friend a Joan of Arc... Right? Right?

(Source: Reddit)

Time Flies

When the did this become more attractive than this TA

(Source: Reddit)

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