Meme Encyclopedia

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Jayla Foxx Popeyes Video meme.

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The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile meme examples depicting two pictures of a black Dodge Challenger car.

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Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals image and meme examples.

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15 Unintelligent People Bragging About Their 'Smarts' Online

Two images of very dumb people.
Two images of very dumb people.

Published October 05, 2021

Published October 05, 2021

Intelligence isn't as common as we'd like to believe it is, which has become even more apparent as COVID-19 has raged on. Some people go above and beyond, however. These absolute geniuses were found posting on social media and online forums about how incredibly smart they are, usually with no context whatsoever that would have led to this revelation being shared with us.

As you can probably imagine, they're not as smart as they claim to be. It's not that surprising when they're saying they're smarter than Einstein, even though they're posting this information unprovoked on online comments that no one's going to willingly read. People make things up all the time, and if you're really smart, you won't feel the need to show that off to strangers like these absolute Chads. We can't say we're impressed by their claims at all. Here are 15 awkward people who don't have an IQ as high as they think they do.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Thoroughly Debunked

(Source: Reddit)

Not Educational Enough

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Instagram

(Source: Reddit)

Like Interacting with a Chimpanzee

(Source: Reddit)

The Road Less Traveled

(Source: Reddit)

Found an English Master

(Source: Reddit)

Unproven Conjectures

(Source: Reddit)

The Burden of Vocabulary

(Source: Reddit)

This Guy Thinks He Solved COVID

(Source: Reddit)

A Portion of a Linguistic Journey

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Ignorance Is Bliss

(Source: Reddit)

Too Smart to Be Happy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: cringe, cringeworthy, reddit, instagram, facebook, funny, social media, awkward, smart, dumb, stupid, collections,

Meme Encyclopedia