20 Cringeworthy Interactions And Bios From Dating Apps

The world and experience of dating can be scary. First dates and talking stages are awkward and no one really knows how to properly meet people anymore, especially with the huge development of online dating. Online dating has taken over the game of meeting and matching with people. Now it's just a big game of hot or not with the potential of someone starting and likely carrying a conversation. That isn't to say no one can find their significant other on dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, but it surely isn't an easy task.
Sifting through so many cringeworthy pick-up lines and alarming bios is a daunting and disheartening task. For those of us who don't need to be on dating apps, or are just too scared of them, luckily we have Reddit. There are multiple Reddit subreddits that are dedicated to people sharing their strange, funny, or alarming finds on dating apps and websites for all of us to shake our heads at. Here is a list of 20 bewildering interactions and finds on various dating apps from people just trying to find love.
Do You Have a Dog?
(Source: Reddit)
Way to Advertise Yourself
(Source: Reddit)
At Least She's Honest
(Source: Reddit)
Suspiciously Specific
(Source: Redd)
Oh Boy
(Source: Reddit)
Good Start
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
First Kiss
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
Okay Then
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(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
What a Catch
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
Pretty Terrible
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)
(Source: Reddit)