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What's The RFK Jr. Meme? The New RFK Jr. Meme About The Central Park Bear Story Explained

Rober F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) in latest meme.
Rober F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) in latest meme.

Published August 06, 2024

Published August 06, 2024

There's a new RFK Jr. meme floating around that shows Robert F. Kennedy (of the famous Kennedy family) sitting with his arms crossed, confessing to every disaster imaginable.

The meme stems from a recent fiasco that harks back on a 2014 tabloid headline about a dead bear found in New York City's Central Park. RFK Jr. has admitted that he's the culprit 10 years later. Somehow, he thought it was a good idea. And thus, a trending meme format has been born.

So, what's the new RFK Jr. meme? What are some other RFK Jr. memes? Let's explain.

What's The RFK Jr. Bear Story?

Back in 2014, a woman who was walking her dog in Central Park stumbled upon a dead bear cub and a bicycle placed underneath a tree. She called the authorities and the story blew up. The local New York City news cycle spread the story en masse, looking for the "animal cruelty" criminal.

For a long time, how the bear carcass got there was a mystery. Until this month when Robert F. Kennedy Jr., trying to get ahead of the New Yorker news cycle, posted a video to his Twitter / X account, admitting that it was him.

He thought that others would find the "prank" funny like he and his friends did. Of course, it backfired like a twisted Curb Your Enthusiasm bit.

What's The New RFK Jr. Meme?

The new RFK Jr. meme that's circulating Twitter / X uses a screencap of the abovementioned video in which RFK Jr. is sitting down with his arms crossed, wearing a blue shirt and tie, confessing to various disastrous events from history.

Famous iterations so far joke about Harambe, the September 11th Attacks and the COVID-19 Pandemic, among many others.

What's RFK Jr.'s Brain Worm?

RFK Jr. has been a viral subject of memes over the past few months. He's running for U.S. President (as a third-party candidate, of course). However, his brain worm might be holding him back.

Yes, RFK Jr. had a brain worm back in 2010. The dead parasite was reported on earlier this year and spawned viral discourse and memes. The question, "Would you still love me if I was a worm?" has never been more accurate.

For the full history of RFK Jr. confessing, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's entry for even more information.

Tags: rfk jr meme, rfk jr memes, rfk jr meme explained, rfk jr bear, rfk jr bear meme, dead bear, central park bear, rfk jr confessing, rfk jr meme template, explained, template, robert f kennedy jr, robert f kennedy jr meme, meme, memes, explainer,

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