
Who Is 'Luka Tim?' The Forsen Twitch Meme Explained

Luka Time meme explained.
Luka Time meme explained.

Published October 18, 2022

Published October 18, 2022

Forsen, also known as Sebastian Fors, is one of the most influential Twitch streamers in 2022. Garnering an army of rabid fans who spam his emotes in chat, the Swedish-born gamer got his start playing Starcraft II. Nowadays, with so many fans, there are many memes that he's fostered, such as Ugandan Knuckles and the now-current Luka Tim.

Who is this notorious "Luka Tim?" Why have Forsen's fans embedded the name into multiple donation voices that ring through his streams? Why does fellow Twitch streamer xQc think that it's so damn funny?

In essence, Luka Tim is not who you think he is. The name is actually an abbreviation of a completely different phrase. Let's explain.

What Does 'Luka Tim' Mean?

"Luka Tim" started in early 2022 when Forsen's viewers would spam "Look at him!" in his chat. Their practice of spamming the phrase was basically calling Forsen ugly, trolling him en masse by prompting each other to "Look at him!" Does this sound like something familiar?

Well, when said fast enough, "Look at him!" turns into "Luka Tim," and thus the meme was born. From then on, referencing "Luka Tim" in chat became commonplace. It even garnered some "dono voices," as in the text-to-speech voices that call out when someone donates money to the streamer.

Who is 'Lukas Timothy' Then?

As "Luka Tim" became too commonplace, Forsen's trolls had to get more creative. "Lukas Timothy" was then born out of this chaos, being the full legal name of the imagined "Luka Tim." New dono voices emerged out of the void using this new name, being more whimsical, mystical and wizardly in nature.

What's Up With xQc and 'Luka Tim?'

Fellow Scandanavian Twitch streamer xQc, also known as Félix Lengyel, was one of the first online to post a reaction video to Forsen's "Luka Tim" meme. On stream, xQc stumbled across one of the YouTube uploads showing Forsen being subjected to an elaborate TTS dono voice that repeatedly said, "Luka Tim," in varying octaves. xQc's clip went viral and spawned more "Luka Tim" madness thereafter.

For more information on "Luka Tim," be sure to check out our entry on the meme here for even more memes and history.

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