
See The Winner Of March 2021's Meme Of The Month!

Meme of the month March 2021 kym.
Meme of the month March 2021 kym.

Published April 05, 2021

Published April 05, 2021

And the meme of March 2021 goes to . . .

The Suez Canal Jam forcefully wedges itself into first place with a massive 43% of the total votes. On March 23rd, a massive cargo ship called the Ever Given managed to get wedged across the Suez Canal, a major shipping route. This caused shipping delays for six days as the ship was dug out, resulting in a flood of memes about the ship, its captain and the excavator. Congratulations, Suez Canal Jam. You're free now, but you'll be forever jammed in our hearts.

Chug Jug With You

Chug Jug With You doesn't quite take the number one victory royale, but comes in second with 15% of the total votes. The Fortnite parody song by uber-talented artist Leviathan spread across TikTok, Instagram, and pretty much every other platform like wildfire in March, getting stuck in the brains of anyone fortunate enough to hear it and inspiring tons of skits, lip-dubs, videos edits and greatly helping spread awareness of the tragic Tomato Town Massacre.

Average Fan vs. Average Enjoyer

Average Fan vs. Average Enjoyer memes tie for second with 15% of the total votes, to the dismay of both average fans and enjoyers of the format. Although the format has been around since 2020, it saw a major increase in interest in March 2021 thanks to TikTok and a new video edit set to the song "Can You Feel My Heart" by Bring Me The Horizon.

Ironic DaBaby Memes

Ironic DaBaby Memes come in at third (let's go), with 12% of the total votes. Ironic DaBaby memes have been growing in power since the rapper's head was first compared to a P.T. Cruiser in 2019, reaching a major peak in March 2021 and finding success on just about every social media platform there is. Unfortunately, the DaBaby convertible didn't have enough gas to get it to the coveted first-place spot.

Busty Aunt Cass

Busty Aunt Cass bursts into fourth place, with 9% of the total votes. This incredibly horny edit of Aunt Cass from Big Hero Six with big mommy milkers took over Reddit for a few days in March, seemingly breaking the brains of every Disney bro on the internet and making it impossible to see the actual scene the same way again. Thanks, internet.

Chinese Man Yelling At Kitten

Chinese Man Yelling At Kitten screams into fifth place, with 6% of the total votes. In March, a video edited to appear as if a Chinese man is yelling at a small kitten went viral across Instagram and YouTube, inspiring countless edits where the two appear to be duetting and arguing in various ways. It's a simple but undeniable format, and it wouldn't be surprising if it popped up again in the future with more steam.

Tags: motm, meme of the month march 2021, aunt cass boobs, fortnite, number one victory royale, asian man yelling at cat, dababy memes, dababy convertible, ironic dababy, average fan average enjoyer,

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