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Whitelist Us on Ad Blocker

Last posted Nov 05, 2018 at 03:56PM EST. Added Aug 15, 2017 at 04:05PM EDT
279 posts from 180 users

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Hello everyone,

If you're browsing Know Your Meme on desktop with an ad blocker enabled, you've probably noticed a big (and obnoxious) addition:

And we get it. you've come here to browse memes, not ads. In a perfect world, this would not be an issue. But in reality, because our meme research is primarily funded by advertising, we will always struggle to keep them lights on without your support.

In order for us to improve your browsing experience on this site, we kindly ask you to whitelist us from your ad blocker. With more people who whitelist our site from ad blocker, the less ads we have to stack around your memes. It's as simple as that!

But hey, If you are all about seizing them memes of production, that's fine too. You can still continue browsing by clicking on X.

Last edited Aug 15, 2017 at 04:07PM EDT

I would mostly be okay with this if it weren't for the god-awful "complex" pop up bar. I use U-block to get rid of in but now I'm forced to disable it. Is there any way to get rid of it?

Could you make it so that it doesn't show up on every single new page that's opened when you have an adblocker? I'd be fine with this popup if it was just once a day or every new browser session or something to that extent, but it's every new page that's opened. I know y'all ran a survey on ads recently and probably have way better data than I do, but since I haven't seen that, I have to rely on my recent survey that suggested that about 3/4ths of active KYM users use adblock on this site. This seems like it'd seriously damage an already dying community, something this obtrusive.

No thanks, I'll just try to blacklist your entire anti-adblock handler instead.

Get better ads and then we'll talk.

Edit: hey does anyone know how to get it to not remove the scroll bar?

Last edited Aug 15, 2017 at 04:34PM EDT

Fuck that until you get decent ads. This is way too intrusive at the moment and was not the right way to handle it. As of now I'm blocking that and your ads.

I'm not getting malware thanks.

If it weren't for the auto-playing video ads, the ads that suck up way more memory than they really deserve, and those really gross funnyordie ads from a while back, I would have happily turned off ad-blocker.

Find better ad providers that don't show ads that are a detriment to out users.

Find better ad providers that don't show ads that are a detriment to out users.
Annoy our users into enabling the same old bothersome and potentially harmful ads.

I did another test. Obscure, but something that matters a lot to my KYM usage.

Forums on mobile have redirecting ads still. Forums on mobile are the same as the desktop site. As such, you can either
A) Use an adblocker, thus causing the popup to come every single new forum thread you open, fucking you over, or
B) Not use an adblock and get redirected to probably malicious ads, fucking you over.

In addition, logging in sets the entire site to the desktop version when on mobile. So, if I log in and go to the comments, for example, I'll get that popup – either that, or get redirected to a malicious ad, should I choose to disable the popup.

KnowYourMeme is the reason I've developed an unhealthy hate against all ads in general because of ads that legitimately gave me malware and video ads.

For awhile I legitimately was thinking about just not fucking bothering with it and going to FunnyJunk instead because at least there they don't have the absolutely cancerous autoplay video ads that are almost impossible to find and mute in any convenient amount of time.

So think about it like this, either can it with the fucking annoying ads, or people will take their viewership elsewhere if you insist on bothering them with this shit.

This was a huge mistake. The thing literally covers my entire screen. Last time I did this I DID get a virus because I saw a post talking about this and thought it would help, since this is one of the sites I like to visit.

You could have made this less intrusive--say, near the "pin" and "share" buttons, or even at the left or right side of the screen. Make a thread that explains in more detail what is going on; I've seen websites lose half their community because stuff like this happens with no warning.

I will disable because I already have other "protections" but most people wouldn't know or even care about VPN's and such. It's all about intrusion and annoyance. Autoplaying videos are an annoyance. Ads are getting misleading. Most people come here to laugh or look at lewds, not get BLASTED OFF AGAIN.

yeah, I'm sorry staff, I really would like to support the KYM, I have a lot of fun here. but hot damn the advertisement is bad. The loading time will slog my desktop to a crawl. Also for new people its hard to tell whats an advertisement and a meme when you do have it on, and since a lot of your ads are malware or other garbage, it's hard to trust them.

Why not use your fanbase to do advertisements, a lot of us have games, art, video series, and other things we would love to advertise on your site. instead of using cheap generic crap, why not use this to support those in the community and in turn get supported by the community.

How to cure meme addiction:
1) Implement ads that spread malware and eat up memory
2) Refuse to remove malicious/obnoxious ads
3) Annoy users with whitelist pop up
4) ???
5) Profit…?

Time to find something productive to do with all the free time I won't be spending here. :^)

With Rivers here – kindly fuck off with the pop-up loading on every bloody click. I don't mind if its just when opening the main page but nope, you decided to basically pester us into turning it off. No thanks, now I've got even less reason to hang around this terminally ill website.

I actually probably would have turned it off anyway if it weren't for this just to see if the ads would stop being so shit, but I'm just going to forget about that now.

Last edited Aug 15, 2017 at 05:21PM EDT

If the site had less intrusive and shitty ads (and do away with this bullshit popup), I might consider disabling. Seeing as that is not the case, however, my blocker shall stay active.

Sorry KYM, but your ads drove me to adblock in the first place. My trust is not that easily restored.

(Also, I lurked on the site for a couple years prior to creating my account and the ads back then were not as bad.)

Last edited Aug 15, 2017 at 05:31PM EDT

great, another site I have to write a user script for to auto remove this cancerous garbage. (adblock itself can block the element but it can't remove the overflow:hidden tag from the body…)

might as well remove those awful social media toolbars while I'm at it.

Also, a curiosity I noticed: whitelisting KnowYourMeme, either by pressing the "power" button or typing it directly, doesn't disable the pop-up for me with uBlock Origin, but does allow ads.

Anyone else notice this with their adblockers?

Th3 K1ng wrote:

I swear I've been a lurker on this site for like 4 years and the new people they have now are so clueless.

Those new people could be lurkers too, or old users making new accounts for all you know. And to the genuinely new; why not guide them instead of calling them clueless? Malware and viruses are a genuine concern.

I had so many problems when i had adblock disabled on this site, because you know, i actually cared, but they were all uninteresting, annoying,full of viruses AND THEY TAKE TOO LONG TO CHARGE.
I thought it was all well and done when i decided to finally use the adblock, but here we have another annoying thing that pops up when i open a new page.
I just don't know what to think right now.

Spaghetto wrote:

Also, a curiosity I noticed: whitelisting KnowYourMeme, either by pressing the "power" button or typing it directly, doesn't disable the pop-up for me with uBlock Origin, but does allow ads.

Anyone else notice this with their adblockers?

What browser and os are you using?

I understand that you need money,but there are better ways to get money,we all know these ads are horrible,get rid of any harmful/obnoxious ad and that Air.TV crap and we'll have a better time!

Choose between shitty ads that potentially fuck my computer up and shits all over my already crap internet, or clicking on this pop-up everytime I go to a new page?

Yeah, I think I'll just get of KYM for now, not worth it to deal with either of this shit.


Joined the Dark Side of the Ads.

I really, REALLY wouldn't mind, like everyone else here, if it weren't for the god-awful and harmful quality of the ads. That, and the popup every time I go to a new page, have turned me off of KYM for the time being.

Electric Dictator Bedebao wrote:

Open Ublock Origin. Select popup background. Filter.

While it removes the scroll bar which is a small annoyance (one click on that middle mouse button is all it takes) that intrusive popup was easily annihilated.

Followed your tip and got this.
It makes it a little better.

I've been here for over two years and have grown to enjoy this community and this site and the people on it very much.

I would rather leave KYM for good than risk infecting and bricking my Laptop, something I cannot afford to replace again and won't be able to for the forseeable future by turning adblock off. No site is worth the possibility of losing complete access to the web, and no, I'm not being paranoid, I've literally lost a computer once to malware and viruses that could be traced back to ads.

This isn't going to convince anyone to turn off ads, people are just going to find a way to block the pop-up or leave the site for good. For KYM's sake, just get rid of it.

This site has some of the most obtrusive ads ever. Auto Playing video ads are constant. And Attempting to use the site on a mobile devices is an absolute nightmare. "Wow you just won a $1000 dollar Walmart gift card" Sounds legit dude.

So no, fix your messed up ads or I'll just find a way to block your pop up too.

Today is bank holiday in my country so I have spare time.
I'm sorry to see that Kym depends on this financial system.
I'm not against ads.
I'm against:
-and "big-datamining"=
(and "javascript"= ) but that's secondary.

The actual ads on kym are trackers, malwares and datamining programs.
Plus it's clearly stated in the "privacy policy" that any kind of data is being sold, not just ads.
The website crawls with external spyware/tracking and malware
Wen you go on a website you're normally on 1 domain but with Kym there's more than 30 websites that connect to your PC or knows that you go on Kym when you connect to it.
Just look with "lightbeam"=

The problem with Kym are numerous:
-No, very ease automated "Lets encrypt" cert for encrypted connections with your users ?
Man in the middle aren't important and dangerous, it's well known that people "never put the same password"= or use a totally random passwords like "L6_)H2µ=" (sarcasm)
-Constant Tor ban.
It's not like to post you need to subscribe (sarsasm).
-Trackers in email links ?
Privacy is useless :p (sarcasm)

I'll whitelist websites who use ads the day that advertisers will:
-Not exploit javascript security holes (or other security holes) to insert malware.
-Not track the user where he goes.
-Not datamine every brink of information possible.
Aka be like a simple paper IRL advertisement and not a javascript monstrosity.

If the admin reads this and at least make some Lets enrypt cert, please don't save the passwords of your userbase in cleartext.
In fact don't store passwords, Hash them and store the hashes.
In fact don't make simple hashes use cryptographic hashes (SHA256, SHA512, RipeMD, and WHIRLPOOL).
"In fact"= don't simply just cryptographic make hashes, "salt"= them

Finally, install Gentoo
Take care an I hope that you'll find a way to finance the website and to not sell the privacy, security of your users to finance the website.

Mom Rivers wrote:

I did another test. Obscure, but something that matters a lot to my KYM usage.

Forums on mobile have redirecting ads still. Forums on mobile are the same as the desktop site. As such, you can either
A) Use an adblocker, thus causing the popup to come every single new forum thread you open, fucking you over, or
B) Not use an adblock and get redirected to probably malicious ads, fucking you over.

In addition, logging in sets the entire site to the desktop version when on mobile. So, if I log in and go to the comments, for example, I'll get that popup – either that, or get redirected to a malicious ad, should I choose to disable the popup.

"Forums on mobile have redirecting ads still."
That's because all mobile phones (except replicant OS ones) are botnet.
That or either your adblocking addon is very bad.
That or your browser is letting ads not being filtered.
Use a fork of firefox like "abrowser"or "icecat" and install µblock origin.

I know that every website needs money, but why not just start a donation like Funnyjunk and Wikipedia did or at least give us ads that won't slow down or affect our computers?

I hope that popup goes away soon, as KnowYourMeme is going to die off very quickly if this doesn't get fixed.

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