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The question no one seems to be able to answer about Deadmau5

Last posted Oct 24, 2011 at 01:58PM EDT. Added Oct 08, 2011 at 08:56PM EDT
23 posts from 15 users

Is Deadmau5 technically a furry. He's a mouse… but he's also man… Does that count as being anthro? I mean think about it, he may not consider himself a furry… is a person furry, only when they profess it?

I promise I'm not trolling, btw. I'm just interested in your guys' opinions. There's a lot about the furry fandom I don't quite understand. Plus, I think we'll get a more solid answer if we ask from both sides. (both sides either answering yes or no)

EDIT: It honestly doesn't matter to me either way if he's a furry or not. I just want an honest answer. (btw, I like furries, but I'm not one.)

Last edited Oct 08, 2011 at 08:59PM EDT

Patrick wrote:

This is relevant to my interests… I always though that he wasn't a furry, because he'll wear the Mau5 mask, but just the mask…

Then I saw THIS.

I'm now conflicted.

See, that's why I'm not so sure, anymore. There's people who say it's just his mask/helmet, so he's not furry. BUT what about when someone has just a tail… or just has ears. Those people are considered furry, right?

So there's this weird, confusing understanding that if you're wearing a mask… which covers your face… which is the most prominent outward depiction of ones identity… Uh… how do I put this…?

Face > tail/ears? Idk… It just leaves me confused.

Last edited Oct 08, 2011 at 09:31PM EDT

The quoted post has been deleted.

Perhaps… but isn't that just little bit too literal? Couldn't his figure be a more abstract depiction of anthropomorphism?

And I know a lot of furries. Not one of them are into the fetishistic part. That's pretty much the No True Scotsman Fallacy.

Anako wrote:

I deleted my other post for the sake of people's eyes.

I'm not gonna lie… that's pretty frikin hilarious.

That brings me to another question. However unintentional it may be… if in fact he is a furry, he probably doesn't realize it. In fact, if he were to be considered a furry, then his persona would redefine what a furry technically is. And furthermore, if we go by the theory that his "fursona" is a more abstracted depiction on furry fandom… then we soon get an understanding to what is tolerable to the the general public… or perhaps even what the general public is more likely to recognize what exactly a furry is.

I honestly think that convenience stereotypes and the complacency of any normal person is what keeps them from defining what to believe. Stereotypes are easy to understand. Someone else comes up with the definition of something… you'll speculate whether or not what they told you is true… You'll ponder its validity constantly… and when you finally see what you've been told, you believe it, without a second thought. It's as if we what we're told to see, however subconsciously the case may be.

I believe a good example would be Zecora, from MLP: FiM.


So as you can see… while you thought this was going to be a thread about Deadmau5… or even furries… or at this moment ponies, for that matter… you'd be quite wrong. This thread is officially about stereotypes.

Last edited Oct 08, 2011 at 11:07PM EDT

That's about as logical of a conclusion as saying that Daft Punk's DJ's have fetishes for dressing up as robots. It's just what they do. It's their personas, and that's why people like them because they are different.

rapturjesus wrote:

Just a DJ wearing a mouse mask. So unless he likes to bang his cat, no hes not a furry.

oh no you didnt' deadmau5 is not a "DJ" he is a producer!

Sees thread about deadmau5
All right, I love deadmau5!
Clicks it
Sees this

Might as well give my two cents anyways. He doesn't really have a thing for anthropomorphic animals. He made the original mau5head mascot while working on a 3D Design Program. He got his name from finding a dead mouse in his computer when he opened it up to install a sound card. It's just a mascot, or a symbol that he uses to distinguish himself. He dresses up at concerts and stuff because its cool. How many concerts have you been to that the DJ was just wearing a jacket or t-Shirt and jeans? Theres only one concert where you can see a guy with a colorful, smiling mouse mascot head on. Thats why.

Oh, and i'm gonna mind fuck you right now too. Remember how i said he doesn't have a thing for anthro animals? Decide for yourself now:

Last edited Oct 09, 2011 at 09:08AM EDT

ZillieZephyr wrote:

I'm not gonna lie… that's pretty frikin hilarious.

That brings me to another question. However unintentional it may be… if in fact he is a furry, he probably doesn't realize it. In fact, if he were to be considered a furry, then his persona would redefine what a furry technically is. And furthermore, if we go by the theory that his "fursona" is a more abstracted depiction on furry fandom… then we soon get an understanding to what is tolerable to the the general public… or perhaps even what the general public is more likely to recognize what exactly a furry is.

I honestly think that convenience stereotypes and the complacency of any normal person is what keeps them from defining what to believe. Stereotypes are easy to understand. Someone else comes up with the definition of something… you'll speculate whether or not what they told you is true… You'll ponder its validity constantly… and when you finally see what you've been told, you believe it, without a second thought. It's as if we what we're told to see, however subconsciously the case may be.

I believe a good example would be Zecora, from MLP: FiM.


So as you can see… while you thought this was going to be a thread about Deadmau5… or even furries… or at this moment ponies, for that matter… you'd be quite wrong. This thread is officially about stereotypes.

@ZillieZephyr Fuck you. You brought MLP:FiM into my only 5ource of getting away from fucking MLP:FiM.
deadmau5 is better then this shit.

Not Nathan wrote:

oh no you didnt' deadmau5 is not a "DJ" he is a producer!

He produces DJ music that he makes and performs. He is a DJ producer.


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