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The Fire Emblem General

Last posted Mar 17, 2012 at 10:42AM EDT. Added Feb 22, 2012 at 07:07PM EST
37 posts from 18 users

I got into a really big Fire Emblem craze a few months ago. I started playing Radiant Dawn on hard mode as well as hard mode on Hector's story on the original GBA game.
I totally forgot how awesome original games are. Brought back many nostalgic HNNGs.

I remember playing Sacred Stones, The first Fire Emblem, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and Shadow Dragon.

Also, who was your favorite Fire Emblem unit ever? Mine was Edward from Radiant Dawn.

Became my most powerful unit.

Intelligent Systems owns my right something-or-another. Nintendo has the other something-or-another. So I've played a ton of 3 of the 4 Advance Wars, and a couple of the Fire Emblems (i.e., Sacred Stones and Rekka no Ken/Sword on Fire/Blazing Sword/the sword comes out fiery, ok?)

My favorite character? Probably the Crimson Flash…

Not my best unit by any means, but I like that aloof, "I don't give a f*ck one way or another" attitude.

What download, Riyku? Tell me it has Roy. Tell me it has Roy!

Verbose wrote:

What download, Riyku? Tell me it has Roy. Tell me it has Roy!

I don't know if it has Roy if it helps the only one i could download was Sacred stones

Last edited Feb 22, 2012 at 09:21PM EST


It does, Riyku. I already have the GBA version. I was hoping that one of the earlier, Japanese-only games might have been translated and made available for download.

I don't follow releases very actively. I check for some games on occasion, but they usually surprise me. I was kinda hoping that was the case here.

Sword of Seals is the one with Roy in it.
You'll need an English patch.
By the way, Roy is really, really weak. It has to be seen to be believed.

Last edited Feb 22, 2012 at 11:57PM EST

Fuck all y'all, I'M OLD SCHOOL!


Get her to Marry Lex in the first half of "Genealogy of the Holy War" (on SNES) and in the second half their children can fuck up entire armies.

burning_phoneix wrote:

Fuck all y'all, I'M OLD SCHOOL!


Get her to Marry Lex in the first half of "Genealogy of the Holy War" (on SNES) and in the second half their children can fuck up entire armies.

Putting Ferry with Levn is another lethal combo.

in the hoppip over the sea wrote:

I own Sacred Stones and Shadow Dragon.
Shadow Dragon made me so sad, it was so very disappointing.
Don't get it.

I liked Shadow Dragon. I thought soloing the game as Marth was fun.

I want to see some of everyone's character stats.
This is my Colm's stats from Sacred Stones.

Lv 20 Assassin
HP: 60 [maxed]
Str: 20 [maxed]
Skill: 22
Spd: 30 [maxed]
Luck: 28
Def: 14
Res: 13

Awakening. Who else is excited as fuck?

As far as favorite unit, I really can't say. Matthew is probably it as far as straight up sentiment goes, but Raven has some awesome growths, and, let's face it, Robin with his infinite loop of promotion and amazing growths make him pretty much the best in terms of stats.

burning_phoneix wrote:

It's coming out in Europe but has it been confirmed for North America?

It hasn't yet been confirmed for NA release. 3ds is region locked too, so there may be issues if it can't be circumvented. Still, it's probably just a matter of time until it does get confirmed for NA release. I mean, there really shouldn't need to be too much difference between EU and NA copies beyond the region they are locked into, and removing such a large market, and one that has proven more than willing to consume the product, would be incredibly stupid. No dates for EU version yet either.

People are complaining about the chibi sprites that appear on the map in the new game, but I think the battle animations definitely make up for that.

Katie C. wrote:

I'm still pissed over FE12 not coming out in America

There's probably a translation patch for FE3. So, yanno, you could just play that instead because twelve is the second half of three, while the first half of three is one or eleven.

ArdentGamer wrote:

There's probably a translation patch for FE3. So, yanno, you could just play that instead because twelve is the second half of three, while the first half of three is one or eleven.

Yes, but there's also a bunch of shit they added to it.
I have the patches for Fire Emblem 3,4,5, and 6.

Katie C. wrote:

Yes, but there's also a bunch of shit they added to it.
I have the patches for Fire Emblem 3,4,5, and 6.

There should be a rom somewhere out there of the BS fire emblem games, and those don't have any story to them, so you wouldn't really even need a patch. The only other thing added is the My Unit, so, I dunno, doesn't sound that awesome to me.

Now for the true test of FE nerdiness. Who here has played TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga? I haven't, and as far as I know there aren't any particularly good translations out there, so, yeah. But it is similar enough in gameplay that Nintendo sued them when it's title was originally Emblem Saga. Of course, Nintendo did lose, but that they thought they could win a lawsuit paints a very clear picture.

ArdentGamer wrote:

There should be a rom somewhere out there of the BS fire emblem games, and those don't have any story to them, so you wouldn't really even need a patch. The only other thing added is the My Unit, so, I dunno, doesn't sound that awesome to me.

Now for the true test of FE nerdiness. Who here has played TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga? I haven't, and as far as I know there aren't any particularly good translations out there, so, yeah. But it is similar enough in gameplay that Nintendo sued them when it's title was originally Emblem Saga. Of course, Nintendo did lose, but that they thought they could win a lawsuit paints a very clear picture.

I remember reading the reason for that was that one of the original guys (game designer) working on FE split off and started his own project (the TRS game), taking the same design and general "essence" of FE with him. I think Ninty couldn't get him for that because whatever he took with him was basically his ideas in the first place. That, and apparently they did make enough changes to the game (and name) after getting threatened by Nintendo.

…but yes, its beginnings were a total FE clone at its core ;)


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